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  V4142 Sgr radial velocity curves (Rosales+, 2023)
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1.J/A+A/670/A94/table6Fundamental parameters obtained by solving the inverse problem for the Roche model with an accretion disk around the more-massive (hotter) gainer in the critical non-synchronous rotation regime (1 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  N  Number of observations (meta.number)
  sum(O-C)2  Final sum of squares of residuals between observed (LCO) and synthetic (LCC) light-curves (
  sigma-rms  Root-mean-square of the residuals (stat.error)
  i deg Orbit inclination (src.orbital.inclination)
  e_i deg Associated error for orbit inclination (stat.error)
  Fd  Disk dimension factor (the ratio of the disk radius to the critical Roche lobe radius along y-axis) (
  e_Fd  Associated error for Disk dimension factor (stat.error)
  Td K Disk-edge temperature (phys.temperature)
  e_Td K Associated error for Disk-edge temperature (stat.error)
  dea  Disk thicknesses at the edge of the disk in the units of the distance between the components (meta.note)

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 (i)indexed column
  e_dea  Associated error for Disk thicknesses at the edge of the disk (stat.error)
  dca  Disk thicknesses at the center of the disk in the units of the distance between the components (meta.note)
  e_dca  Associated error for Disk thicknesses at the center of the disk (stat.error)
  aT  Alpha disk temperature distribution coefficient (
  e_aT  Associated error for Alpha disk temperature distribution coefficient (stat.error)
  fh  Non-synchronous rotation coefficient of the more massive gainer (in the critical non-synchronous rotation regime) (
  e_fh  Associated error for Non-synchronous rotation coefficient (stat.error)
  Fh  Filling factor for the critical non-synchronous lobe of the hotter, more-massive gainer (
  Th K Temperature of the gainer star (phys.temperature)
  e_Th K Associated error for Temperature of the gainer star (stat.error)
  Ahs  Hot spot temperature coefficients (
  e_Ahs  Associated error for Hot spot temperature coefficients (stat.error)
  thetahs deg Spot angular dimension (phys.angSize)

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 (i)indexed column
  e_thetahs deg Associated error for Spot angular dimension (stat.error)
  lambdahs deg Longitude of hot spot (
  e_lambdahs deg Associated error for Longitude of hot spot (stat.error)
  thetarad deg Angle between the line perpendicular to the local disk edge surface and the direction of the hot-spot maximum radiation (pos.angDistance;stat.max)
  e_thetarad deg Associated error for Angle between the line perpendicular to the local disk edge surface and the direction of the hot-spot maximum radiation (stat.error)
  Abs  bright spot temperature coefficient (
  e_Abs  Associated error for bright spot temperature coefficient (stat.error)
  thetabs deg Spot angular dimension (phys.angSize)
  e_thetabs deg Associated error for Spot angular dimension (stat.error)
  lambdabs deg Spot longitude dimension (
  e_lambdabs deg Associated error for Spot longitude dimension (stat.error)
  Omegah  Dimensionless surface potentials of the hotter gainer (
  e_Omegah  Associated error for Dimensionless surface potentials of the hotter gainer (stat.error)

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 (i)indexed column
  Omegac  Dimensionless surface potentials of the cooler donor (
  e_Omegac  Associated error for Dimensionless surface potentials of the cooler donor (stat.error)
  Mh Msun Stellar mass of the hotter gainer (phys.mass)
  e_Mh Msun Associated error for Stellar mass of gainer star (stat.error)
  Mc Msun Stellar mass of the cooler donor (phys.mass)
  e_Mc Msun Associated error for Stellar mass of the donor star (stat.error)
  Rh Rsun Stellar radius of the hotter gainer (phys.size.radius)
  e_Rh Rsun Associated error for Stellar radius of gainer star (stat.error)
  Rc Rsun Stellar radius of the cooler donor (phys.size.radius)
  e_Rc Rsun Associated error for Stellar radius of the donor star (stat.error)
  loggh [cm/s2] Logarithm (base 10) of hotter gainer effective gravity (phys.gravity)
  e_loggh [cm/s2] Associated error for Logarithm (base 10) of hotter gainer effective gravity (stat.error)
  loggc [cm/s2] Logarithm (base 10) of the cooler donor effective gravity (phys.gravity)

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 (i)indexed column
  e_loggc [cm/s2] Associated error for Logarithm (base 10) of the cooler donor effective gravity (stat.error)
  Mhbol mag Absolute stellar bolometric magnitude of hotter gainer (phys.magAbs.bol)
  e_Mhbol mag Associated error for Absolute stellar bolometric magnitude of hotter gainer (stat.error)
  Mcbol mag Absolute stellar bolometric magnitude of cooler donor (phys.magAbs.bol)
  e_Mcbol mag Associated error for Absolute stellar bolometric magnitude of cooler donor (stat.error)
  aorb Rsun Orbital semi-major axis (phys.angSize.smajAxis)
  e_aorb Rsun Associated error for Orbital semi-major axis (stat.error)
  Rd Rsun Disk radius in solar units (phys.size.radius)
  e_Rd Rsun Associated error for Disk radius (stat.error)
  de Rsun Disk thicknesses its edge in solar units (
  e_de Rsun Associated error for Disk thicknesses its edge (stat.error)
  dc Rsun Disk thicknesses its center in solar units (
  e_dc Rsun Associated error for Disk thicknesses its center (stat.error)

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