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  Solar models with accretion. I. (Serenelli+, 2011)
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1.J/ApJ/743/24/table5Main properties of solar models including accretion (291 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Model (char) Model (E1 to L95) (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  tauacc Myr Time when accretion begins (5, 15 or 30) (time.epoch)
  Macc Msun Accreted mass (phys.mass)
  Zacc   [0/1] Metallicity of accreted matter (phys.abund.Z)
  Yacc   [0/1] Helium mass fraction of accreted matter (phys.abund.Y)
  Zini   [0/1] Initial metallicity (phys.abund.Z)
  Yini   [0/1] Initial helium mass fraction (phys.abund.Y)
  aMLT  Mixing Length Parameter αMLT (stat.param)
  Zs   [0/1] Final surface metallicity (phys.abund.Z)
  Ys   [0/1] Final surface helium mass fraction (phys.abund.Y)

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  Rcz Rsun Depth of convective envelope (stat.param)
  <dc/c>  Average rms of relative sound speed difference <δc/c> (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  Zc   [0/1] Central metallicity Zc (phys.abund.Z)
  Yc   [0/1] Central helium mass fraction Yc (phys.abund.Y)
  Tc MK Central temperature Tc (phys.temperature)
  rho.c g/cm3 Central density ρc (phys.density)
  pp 10+10/cm2/sneutrino flux from pp reaction (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  pep 10+8/cm2/sneutrino flux from pep reaction (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  Be7 10+9/cm2/sneutrino flux from 7Be (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  B8 10+8/cm2/sneutrino flux from 8B (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  N13 10+8/cm2/sneutrino flux from 13N (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  O15 10+8/cm2/sneutrino flux from 15O (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  chi2  Global χ2 for neutrino fluxes (

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