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  Large perihelion dist. Oort spike comets (Krolikowska+, 2017)
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1.J/MNRAS/472/4634/tablef3Barycentric orbital elements at next perihelion (100 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Desig (char) Comet's designation (;meta.main)
  R  Number of returning VCs in the swarm (meta.number)
  n_R (char) [*] '*' means nominal solution is among returning part of swarm (meta.note)
  E  Number of escaping VCs in the swarm (meta.number)
  n_E (char) [*] '*' means nominal solution is among escaping part of swarm (meta.note)
  H  Number of hyperbolas among escaping VCs in the swarm (meta.number)
  n_H (char) [*] '*' means nominal solution is among hyperbolic part of swarm (meta.note)
  1/a1-10 10-6AU-1 Inverse of the semimajor axis (1/aprev or 1/a_next)): first decile or mean value (in 10-6AU–1 unit) (Note G3)   (phys.angSize.smajAxis;src.orbital)
  1/a1-50 10-6AU-1 Inverse od the semimajor axis: median or standard deviation (in 10-6AU–1 unit) (Note G3)   (phys.angSize.smajAxis;src.orbital)
  1/a1-90 10-6AU-1 (n) Inverse of the semimajor axis: third decile (in 10-6AU–1 unit) (Note G3)   (phys.angSize.smajAxis;src.orbital)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  1/a1R (char) [R] 'R' means that the result for the inverse of the semimajor axis is for a returning part of the swarm only (meta.code)
  q10 au Perihelion distance (qprev or qnext): first decile or mean value (Note G3)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  q50 au Perihelion distance: median or standard deviation (Note G3)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  q90 au (n) Perihelion distance:: third decile (Note G3)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  qR (char) [R] 'R' means that the result for the perihelion distance is for a returning part of the swarm only (meta.code)
  Q10 1000au (n) Aphelion distance (Qprev or Qnext): first decile or mean value (Note G3)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  Q50 1000au (n) Aphelion distance: median or standard deviation (Note G3)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  Q90 1000au (n) Aphelion distance: third decile (Note G3)   (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  QR (char) [R] 'R' means that the result for the aphelion distance is for a returning part of the swarm only. (meta.code)
  t10 Myr Time interval to previous perihelion (Timeprev or Timenext): first decile or mean value (Note G3)   (src.orbital.periastron)
  t50 Myr Time interval to previous perihelion: median or standard deviation (G3) (Note 1)   (src.orbital.periastron;stat.median)
  t90 Myr (n) Time interval to previous perihelion: third decile (Note G3)   (src.orbital.periastron)
  tR (char) [R] 'R' means that the result for the time interval is for a returning part of the swarm only (meta.code)
  p1 % (n) Percentage of VCs with q<10 (meta.note)
  p2 % (n) Percentage of VCs with 10<q<20 (meta.note)
  p3 % (n) Percentage of VCs with q>20 (meta.note)
  Stat (char) Code for the dynamical status (Note 2)   (meta.code)

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