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  2XMM ultraluminous X-ray source candidates (Walton+, 2011)
Post annotation
1.J/MNRAS/416/1844/catalogcatalogue of ultraluminous X-ray source candidates (650 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  name (char) RC3 Name (
  altname (char) RC3 Alternate name (
  desig (char) RC3 Other designation (
  PGC (char) RC3 PGC number (
  type (char) RC3 Type (src.morph.type)
  typesr (char) RC3 Source of revised type (meta.bib)
  T  (n) RC3 T (Hubble stage) (src.morph.type)
  e_T  (n) RC3 Mean error of T (stat.error)
  lumcl  (n) RC3 Luminosity class (src.class.luminosity)
  e_lumcl  (n) RC3 Mean error on luminosity class (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  o_lumcl  (n) RC3 Num. of luminosity class estimates (meta.number)
  D25 [0.1arcmin](n) RC3 Log D25 (arith.zp)
  u_D25 (char) [?] RC3 indicates Log D25 very uncer. (meta.code.error)
  e_D25 [0.1arcmin](n) RC3 Mean error on log D25 (stat.error)
  R25  (n) RC3 Log R25 (isophotal diameter ratio) (phys.size.axisRatio)
  u_R25 (char) [?] RC3 indicates Log R25 very uncertain (meta.code.error)
  e_R25  (n) RC3 Mean error on log R25 (stat.error)
  Do [0.1arcmin](n) RC3 Log Do (arith.zp)
  Ae [0.1arcmin](n) RC3 Log Ae (effective aperture) (arith.zp)
  e_Ae [0.1arcmin](n) RC3 Mean error on log Ae (stat.error)
  PA deg (n) RC3 Position angle of the major axis (pos.posAng)
  BT mag (n) RC3 BT (total B magnitude) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  BT_code (char) RC3 BT code (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_BT mag (n) RC3 Mean error on BT (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  Bmag mag (n) RC3 mB (photographic magnitude) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_Bmag mag (n) RC3 Mean error on Bmag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  BoT mag (n) RC3 BoT (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  m'25 mag/arcmin2(n) RC3 m'25 (
  e_m'25 mag/arcmin2(n) RC3 Mean error m'25 (stat.error)
  m'e mag/arcmin2(n) RC3 m'e (
  e_m'e mag/arcmin2(n) RC3 Mean error m'e (stat.error)
  mFIR mag (n) RC3 mFIR (phot.mag;em.IR)
  m21 mag (n) RC3 m21 (phot.mag;
  e_m21 mag (n) RC3 Mean error on m21 (stat.error)
  B-VT mag (n) RC3 (B-V)T (total (B-V)) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  e_B-VT mag (n) RC3 Mean error on (B-V)T (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.B)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  B-Ve mag (n) RC3 (B-V)e (mean B-V within Ae) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  e_B-Ve mag (n) RC3 Mean error on (B-V)e (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.B)
  B-VoT mag (n) RC3 (B-V)oT (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  U-BT mag (n) RC3 (U-B)T (total (U-B)) (phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.B)
  e_U-BT mag (n) RC3 Mean error on (U-B)T (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.U)
  U-Be mag (n) RC3 (U-B)e (phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.B)
  e_U-Be mag (n) RC3 Mean error on (U-B)e (stat.error;phot.color;em.opt.U)
  U-BoT mag (n) RC3 (U-B)To (phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.B)
  HI mag (n) RC3 HI (neutral hydrogen index) (phot.color)
  Ai mag (n) RC3 Ai (internal B extinction) (phot.mag)
  A21 mag (n) RC3 A21 (HI self absorption) (phot.mag)
  Ag mag (n) Ag (galactic extinction in B) (phot.mag)
  W20 km/s (n) RC3 W20 (spect.line.width)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_W20 km/s (n) RC3 Mean error on W20 (stat.error)
  W50 km/s (n) RC3 W50 (spect.line.width)
  e_W50 km/s (n) RC3 Mean error of W50 (stat.error)
  V21 km/s (n) RC3 V21 (heliocentric radial velocity) (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric)
  e_V21 km/s (n) RC3 Mean error on V21 (stat.error)
  cz km/s (n) RC3 Vopt= cz (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric)
  e_cz km/s (n) RC3 Mean error on Vopt (stat.error)
  VGSR km/s (n) RC3 VGSR (phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric)
  V3K km/s (n) RC3 V3K (phys.veloc)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) NED right ascension (J2000) (Gal_RA) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) NED declination (J2000) (Gal_DEC) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  ePos arcsec NWD position uncertainty (Gal_PosErr) (stat.error;pos)
  Dist Mpc Galaxy distance, calculated assuming the Hubble flow for galaxies with cz>1000km/s, or as in Tully (1998, Cat. VII/145/) otherwise (Distance) (pos.distance)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  DETID  (n) 2XMM Detection ID of the identified target (DETID) (
  SRCID  2XMM Source ID (SRCID) (
  IAUName (char) 2XMM IAU name (IAUName) (;meta.main)
  SRC  (n) 2XMM Source number per observation of the identified target (SRC) (
  1XMM (char) 1XMM match, JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS (MATCH_1XMM) (
  Sep1XMM arcsec (n) Separation to 1XMM match (SEP_1XMM) (pos.angDistance;src.orbital)
  2XMMpID  (n) 2XMMp source ID (SRCID_2XMMP) (
  2XMMp (char) 2XMMp match (MATCH_2XMMP) (
  Sep2XMMP arcsec (n) Separation to 2XMMP source (SEP_2XMMP) (pos.angDistance;src.orbital)
  ObsID  2XMM Observation number (ObsID) (
  Rev  2XMM Satellite revolution number (consecutive in time) (REVOLUT) (
  MJD0 d 2XMM Date of first observation (MJD_START) (time.epoch)
  MJD1 d 2XMM Date of last observation (MJD_STOP) (time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Q  2XMM Observations quality (OBS_CLASS) (meta.code.qual;obs)
  f.PN (char) 2XMM (PN_FILT) Filter of the PN exposure(s) (PN_FILTER) (instr.bandpass)
  f.M1 (char) 2XMM (M1_FILT) Filter of the M1 exposure(s) (M1_FILTER) (instr.bandpass)
  f.M2 (char) 2XMM (M2_FILT) Filter of the M2 exposure(s) (M2_FILTER) (instr.bandpass)
  m.PN (char) 2XMM (PN_MODE) Mode of the PN exposure(s) (PN_SUBMODE) (instr.setup)
  m.M1 (char) 2XMM (M1_MODE) Mode of the M1 exposures (M1_SUBMODE) (instr.setup)
  m.M2 (char) 2XMM (M2_MODE) Mode of the M2 exposures (M2_SUBMODE) (instr.setup)
  RA1deg deg 2XMM Detection right ascension (J2000) (Det_RA) (pos.eq.ra)
  DE1deg deg 2XMM Detection declination (J2000) (Det_DEC) (pos.eq.dec)
  ePos1 arcsec 2XMM Total radial detection position uncertainty (POSERR) (stat.error)
  GLON deg 2XMM XMM1 Galactic longitude (LII) (pos.galactic.lon)
  GLAT deg 2XMM XMM1 Galactic latitude (BII) (
  ePos2 arcsec 2XMM Mean error on position (RADEC_ERR) (stat.error;pos)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SYSERR arcsec 2XMM estimated error arising from the field rectification process on position (SYSERR) (stat.error)
  RAudeg deg 2XMM Right Ascension as determined by the SAS task (J2000) (RA_UNC) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEudeg deg 2XMM DEclination as determined by the SAS task (J2000) (DECA_UNC) (pos.eq.dec)
  FluxEP1 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-0.5keV band (EP1FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP1 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP1 (EP1FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
  FluxEP2 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-1.0keV band (EP2FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP2 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP2 (EP2FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
  FluxEP3 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 1.0-2.0keV band (EP3FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP3 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP3 (EP3FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
  FluxEP4 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 2.0-4.5keV band (EP4FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP4 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP4 (EP4FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
  FluxEP5 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 4.5-12keV band (EP5FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP5 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP5 (EP5FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  FluxEP8 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-12keV band (EP8FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP8 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP8 (EP8FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
  FluxEP9 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-4.5keV band (EP9FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxEP9 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on FluxEP9 (EP9FLUX_ERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN1 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-0.5keV band (SCPN1_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxPN1 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN1 (SCPN1FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN2 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-1.0keV band (SCPN2_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxPN2 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN2 (SCPN2FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN3 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 1.0-2.0keV band (SCPN3_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxPN3 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN3 (SCPN3FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN4 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 2.0-4.5keV band (SCPN4_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxPN4 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN4 (SCPN4FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN5 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 4.5-12keV band (SCPN5_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_FluxPN5 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN5 (SCPN5FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN8 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-12keV band (SCPN8_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxPN8 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN8 (SCPN8FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxPN9 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-4.5keV band (SCPN9_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxPN9 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxPN9 (SCPN9FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM1-1 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-0.5keV band (SCM11_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-1 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-1 (SCM11FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM1-2 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-1.0keV band (SCM12_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-2 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-2 (SCM12FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM1-3 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 1.0-2.0keV band (SCM13_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-3 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-3 (SCM13FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM1-4 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 2.0-4.5keV band (SCM14_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-4 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-4 (SCM14FLUXERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  FluxM1-5 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 4.5-12keV band (SCM15_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-5 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-5 (SCM15FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM1-8 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-12keV band (SCM18_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-8 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-8 (SCM18FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM1-9 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-4.5keV band (SCM19_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM1-9 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM1-9 (SCM19FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-1 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-0.5keV band (SCM21_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM2-1 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-1 (SCM21FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-2 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-1.0keV band (SCM22_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM2-2 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-2 (SCM22FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-3 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 1.0-2.0keV band (SCM23_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM2-3 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-3 (SCM23FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-4 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 2.0-4.5keV band (SCM24_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_FluxM2-4 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-4 (SCM24FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-5 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 4.5-12keV band (SCM25_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM2-5 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-5 (SCM15FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-8 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-12keV band (SCM28_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM2-8 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-8 (SCM28FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  FluxM2-9 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-4.5keV band (SCM29_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FluxM2-9 mW/m2 (n) 2XMM Mean error on FluxM2-9 (SCM29FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  EP8rate ct/s 2XMM EPIC 8 count rate (EP8RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_EP8rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on EP8rate (EP8RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  EP9rate ct/s 2XMM EPIC 9 count rate (EP9RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_EP9rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on EP9rate (EP9RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN1rate ct/s 2XMM PN1 count rate (PN1RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN1rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN1rate (PN1RATE_ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  PN2rate ct/s 2XMM PN2 count rate (PN2RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN2rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN2rate (PN2RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN3rate ct/s 2XMM PN3 count rate (PN3RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN3rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN3rate (PN3RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN4rate ct/s 2XMM PN4 count rate (PN4RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN4rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN4rate (PN4RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN5rate ct/s 2XMM PN5 count rate (PN5RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN5rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN5rate (PN5RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN8rate ct/s 2XMM PN8 count rate (PN8RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN8rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN8rate (PN8RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN9rate ct/s 2XMM PN9 count rate (PN9RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN9rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN9rate (PN9RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-1rate ct/s 2XMM M1-1 count rate (M11RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_M1-1rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-1rate (M11RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-2rate ct/s 2XMM M1-2 count rate (M12RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-2rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-2rate (M12RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-3rate ct/s 2XMM M1-3 count rate (M13RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-3rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-3rate (M13RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-4rate ct/s 2XMM M1-4 count rate (M14RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-4rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-4rate (M14RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-5rate ct/s 2XMM M1-5 count rate (M15RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-5rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-5rate (M15RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-8rate ct/s 2XMM M1-8 count rate (M18RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-8rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-8rate (M18RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-9rate ct/s 2XMM M1-9 count rate (M19RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-9rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-9rate (M19RATE_ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  M2-1rate ct/s 2XMM M2-1 count rate (M21RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-1rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-1rate (M21RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-2rate ct/s 2XMM M2-2 count rate (M22RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-2rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-2rate (M22RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-3rate ct/s 2XMM M2-3 count rate (M23RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-3rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-3rate (M23RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-4rate ct/s 2XMM M2-4 count rate (M24RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-4rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-4rate (M24RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-5rate ct/s 2XMM M2-5 count rate (M25RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-5rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-5rate (M25RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-8rate ct/s 2XMM M2-8 count rate (M28RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-8rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-8rate (M28RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-9rate ct/s 2XMM M2-9 count rate (M29RATE) (phot.count;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_M2-9rate ct/s 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-9rate (M29RATE_ERR) (stat.error)
  EP8cts ct 2XMM EP 8 counts (EP8CTS) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_EP8cts ct 2XMM rms uncertainty on EP8cts (EP8CTS_ERR) (stat.error)
  PN8cts ct (n) 2XMM PN 8 counts (PN8CTS) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_PN8cts ct (n) 2XMM rms uncertainty on PN8cts (PN8CTS_ERR) (stat.error)
  M1-8cts ct (n) 2XMM M1-8 counts (M18CTS) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M1-8cts ct (n) 2XMM rms uncertainty on M1-8cts (M18CTS_ERR) (stat.error)
  M2-8cts ct (n) 2XMM M2-8 counts (M28CTS) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_M2-8cts ct (n) 2XMM rms uncertainty on M2-8cts (M28CTS_ERR) (stat.error)
  EP8detML  2XMM EP8 detection likelihood (EP8DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  EP9detML  2XMM EP9 detection likelihood (EP9DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  PN1detML  (n) 2XMM PN1 detection likelihood (PN1DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  PN2detML  (n) 2XMM PN2 detection likelihood (PN2DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  PN3detML  (n) 2XMM PN2 detection likelihood (PN3DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  PN4detML  (n) 2XMM PN4 detection likelihood (PN4DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  PN5detML  (n) 2XMM PN5 detection likelihood (PN5DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  PN8detML  (n) 2XMM PN8 detection likelihood (PN8DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  PN9detML  (n) 2XMM PN9 detection likelihood (PN9DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-1detML  (n) 2XMM M1-1 detection likelihood (M11DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-2detML  (n) 2XMM M1-2 detection likelihood (M12DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-3detML  (n) 2XMM M1-2 detection likelihood (M13DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-4detML  (n) 2XMM M1-4 detection likelihood (M14DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-5detML  (n) 2XMM M1-5 detection likelihood (M15DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-8detML  (n) 2XMM M1-8 detection likelihood (M18DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M1-9detML  (n) 2XMM M1-9 detection likelihood (M19DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M2-1detML  (n) 2XMM M2-1 detection likelihood (M21DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  M2-2detML  (n) 2XMM M2-2 detection likelihood (M22DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M2-3detML  (n) 2XMM M2-2 detection likelihood (M23DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M2-4detML  (n) 2XMM M2-4 detection likelihood (M24DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M2-5detML  (n) 2XMM M2-5 detection likelihood (M25DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M2-8detML  (n) 2XMM M2-8 detection likelihood (M28DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  M2-9detML  (n) 2XMM M2-9 detection likelihood (M29DET_ML) (stat.likelihood)
  HREP1  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 1,2 (EP_HR1) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HREP1  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HREP1 (EPHR1ERR) (stat.error)
  HREP2  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 2,3 (EP_HR2) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HREP2  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HREP2 (EPHR2ERR) (stat.error)
  HREP3  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 3,4 (EP_HR3) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HREP3  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HREP3 (EPHR3ERR) (stat.error)
  HREP4  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 4,5 (EP_HR4) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_HREP4  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HREP4 (EPHR4ERR) (stat.error)
  HRPN1  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM PN Hardness ratio, bands 1,2 (PN_HR1) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRPN1  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRPN1 (PNHR1ERR) (stat.error)
  HRPN2  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM PN Hardness ratio, bands 2,3 (PN_HR2) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRPN2  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRPN2 (PNHR2ERR) (stat.error)
  HRPN3  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM PN Hardness ratioPN, bands 3,4 (PN_HR3) (phot.flux)
  e_HRPN3  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRPN3 (PNHR3ERR) (stat.error)
  HRPN4  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM PN Hardness ratio, bands 4,5 (PN_HR4) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRPN4  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRPN4 (PNHR4ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM1-1  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M1 Hardness ratio, bands 1,2 (M1_HR1) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM1-1  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM1-1 (M1HR1ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM1-2  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M1 Hardness ratio, bands 2,3 (M1-_HR2) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM1-2  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM1-2 (M1HR2ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HRM1-3  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M1 Hardness ratio, bands 3,4 (M1-_HR3) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM1-3  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM1-3 (M1HR3ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM1-4  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M1 Hardness ratio, bands 4,5 (M1-_HR4) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM1-4  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM1-4 (M1HR4ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM2-1  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M1 Hardness ratio, bands 1,2 (M2_HR1) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM2-1  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM2-1 (M2HR1ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM2-2  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M2 Hardness ratio, bands 2,3 (M2-_HR2) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM2-2  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM2-2 (M2HR2ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM2-3  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M2 Hardness ratio, bands 3,4 (M2-_HR3) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM2-3  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM2-3 (M2HR3ERR) (stat.error)
  HRM2-4  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM M2 Hardness ratio, bands 4,5 (M2-_HR4) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HRM2-4  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HRM2-4 (M2HR4ERR) (stat.error)
  PN1ExpT s (n) 2XMM PN1 exposure time (PN1EXP) (time.duration;obs.exposure)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  PN2ExpT s (n) 2XMM PN2 exposure time (PN2EXP) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  PN3ExpT s (n) 2XMM PN3 exposure time (PN3EXP) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  PN4ExpT s (n) 2XMM PN4 exposure time (PN4EXP) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  PN5ExpT s (n) 2XMM PN5 exposure time (PN5EXP) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  M1-1ExpT s (n) 2XMM M1-1 exposure time (M11EXP) (time.duration)
  M1-2ExpT s (n) 2XMM M1-2 exposure time (M12EXP) (time.duration)
  M1-3ExpT s (n) 2XMM M1-3 exposure time (M13EXP) (time.duration)
  M1-4ExpT s (n) 2XMM M1-4 exposure time (M14EXP) (time.duration)
  M1-5ExpT s (n) 2XMM M1-5 exposure time (M15EXP) (time.duration)
  M2-1ExpT s (n) 2XMM M2-1 exposure time (M21EXP) (time.duration)
  M2-2ExpT s (n) 2XMM M2-2 exposure time (M22EXP) (time.duration)
  M2-3ExpT s (n) 2XMM M2-3 exposure time (M23EXP) (time.duration)
  M2-4ExpT s (n) 2XMM M2-4 exposure time (M24EXP) (time.duration)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  M2-5ExpT s (n) 2XMM M2-5 exposure time (M25EXP) (time.duration)
  PN1BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM PN1 background map value (PN1BG) (instr.background)
  PN2BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM PN2 background map value (PN2BG) (instr.background)
  PN3BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM PN3 background map value (PN3BG) (instr.background)
  PN4BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM PN4 background map value (PN4BG) (instr.background)
  PN5BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM PN5 background map value (PN5BG) (instr.background)
  M1-1BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M1-1 background map value (M11BG) (instr.background)
  M1-2BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M1-2 background map value (M12BG) (instr.background)
  M1-3BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M1-3 background map value (M13BG) (instr.background)
  M1-4BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M1-4 background map value (M14BG) (instr.background)
  M1-5BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M1-5 background map value (M15BG) (instr.background)
  M2-1BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M2-1 background map value (M21BG) (instr.background)
  M2-2BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M2-2 background map value (M22BG) (instr.background)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  M2-3BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M2-3 background map value (M23BG) (instr.background)
  M2-4BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M2-4 background map value (M24BG) (instr.background)
  M2-5BG ct/pix (n) 2XMM M2-5 background map value (M25BG) (instr.background)
  PN1Vig  (n) 2XMM PN1 vignetting value (PN1VIG) (instr.param)
  PN2Vig  (n) 2XMM PN2 vignetting value (PN2VIG) (instr.param)
  PN3Vig  (n) 2XMM PN3 vignetting value (PN3VIG) (instr.param)
  PN4Vig  (n) 2XMM PN4 vignetting value (PN4VIG) (instr.param)
  PN5Vig  (n) 2XMM PN5 vignetting value (PN5VIG) (instr.param)
  M1-1Vig  (n) 2XMM M1-1 vignetting value (M11VIG) (instr.param)
  M1-2Vig  (n) 2XMM M1-2 vignetting value (M12VIG) (instr.param)
  M1-3Vig  (n) 2XMM M1-3 vignetting value (M13VIG) (instr.param)
  M1-4Vig  (n) 2XMM M1-4 vignetting value (M13VIG) (instr.param)
  M1-5Vig  (n) 2XMM M1-5 vignetting value (M15VIG) (instr.param)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  M2-1Vig  (n) 2XMM M2-1 vignetting value (M21VIG) (instr.param)
  M2-2Vig  (n) 2XMM M2-2 vignetting value (M23VIG) (instr.param)
  M2-3Vig  (n) 2XMM M2-3 vignetting value (M23VIG) (instr.param)
  M2-4Vig  (n) 2XMM M2-4 vignetting value (M24VIG) (instr.param)
  M2-5Vig  (n) 2XMM M2-5 vignetting value (M25VIG) (instr.param)
  PNonTime s (n) 2XMM PN total good exposure time (PN_ONTIME) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  M1onTime s (n) 2XMM M& total good exposure time (M1_ONTIME) (time.duration;obs.exposure;em.IR.4-8um)
  M2onTime s (n) 2XMM M2 total good exposure time (M2_ONTIME) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  PNoffax arcmin (n) 2XMM PN offaxis angle (PN_OFFAX) (instr.offset)
  M1offax arcmin (n) 2XMM M1 offaxis angle (M1_OFFAX) (instr.offset)
  M2offax arcmin (n) 2XMM M2 offaxis angle (M2_OFFAX) (instr.offset)
  PNMaskFr  (n) 2XMM PN PSF weighted mean of the detector coverage of a detection (PN_MASKFRAC) (instr.det.psf)
  M1MaskFr  (n) 2XMM M1 PSF weighted mean of the detector coverage of a detection (M1_MASKFRAC) (instr.det.psf)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  M2MaskFr  (n) 2XMM M2 PSF weighted mean of the detector coverage of a detection (M2_MASKFRAC) (instr.det.psf)
  DistNN arcsec 2XMM distance to the nearest neighbouring detection (DIST_NN) (pos.angDistance)
  SumFlag  2XMM summary flag of the detection (SUM_FLAG) (meta.code)
  EPFlag (char) 2XMM EPIC flag string (EP_FLAG) (meta.code)
  PNFlag (char) 2XMM PN flag string (PN_FLAG) (meta.code)
  M1Flag (char) 2XMM M1 flag string (M1_FLAG) (meta.code)
  M2Flag (char) 2XMM M2 flag string (M2_FLAG) (meta.code)
  Tseries (char) 2XMM flag set to True if this detection has a time series made in at least one exposure (TSERIES) (meta.code)
  spectra (char) 2XMM flag set to True if this detection has a spectrum made in at least one exposure (SPECTRA) (meta.code)
  EPchi2  (n) 2XMM EPIC chi2 probability that the source is constant (EP_CHI2PROB) (
  PNchi2  (n) 2XMM PN chi2 probability that the source is constant (PN_CHI2PROB) (
  M1chi2  (n) 2XMM M1 chi2 probability that the source is constant (M1_CHI2PROB) (
  M2chi2  (n) 2XMM M2 chi2 probability that the source is constant (M2_CHI2PROB) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  VarFlag  2XMM flag set to True if this source was detected as variable (VAR_FLAG) (meta.code)
  VarExpID (char) 2XMM exposure ID if the source is detected as variable (VAREXPID) (;obs.exposure)
  VarInstID (char) 2XMM instrument ID if the source is detected as variable (VARINSTID) (;instr)
  RAsdeg deg 2XMM source right ascension (J2000) (SC_RA) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEsdeg deg 2XMM source declination (J2000) (SC_DEC) (pos.eq.dec)
  ePoss arcsec 2XMM source total radial detection position uncertainty (SC_POSERR) (stat.error)
  Flux1 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-0.5keV band (SCEP1_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_Flux1 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux1 (SCEP1FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  Flux2 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-1.0keV band (SCEP2_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_Flux2 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux2 (SCEP2FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  Flux3 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 1.0-2.0keV band (SCEP3_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_Flux3 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux3 (SCEP3FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  Flux4 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 2.0-4.5keV band (SCEP4_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Flux4 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux4 (SCEP4FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  Flux5 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 4.5-12keV band (SCEP5_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_Flux5 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux5 (SCEP5FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  Flux8 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.2-12keV band (SCEP8_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_Flux8 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux8 (SCEP8FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  Flux9 mW/m2 2XMM Mean flux in 0.5-4.5keV band (SCEP9_FLUX) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_Flux9 mW/m2 2XMM Mean error on Flux9 (SCEP9FLUXERR) (stat.error)
  HR1  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 1,2 (SC_HR1) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HR1  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HR1 (SCHR1ERR) (stat.error)
  HR2  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 2,3 (SC_HR2) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HR2  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HR2 (SCHR2ERR) (stat.error)
  HR3  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 3,4 (SC_HR3) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HR3  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HR3 (SCHR3ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HR4  (n) [-1/1] 2XMM Hardness ratio, bands 4,5 (SC_HR4) (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HR4  (n) 2XMM Mean error on HR4 (SCHR4ERR) (stat.error)
  srcML  2XMM Source detection likelihood (SCDETML) (stat.likelihood)
  extML  2XMM Detection likelihood of the extended source (SCEXTML) (stat.likelihood)
  Cst  (n) [0/1] 2XMM Constant probability (SC_CHI2PROB) (
  V   [0/1] 2XMM Variability flag (V=1) (SCVARFLAG) (meta.code;src.var)
  S   [0/4] 2XMM summary flag, 0=best (SCSUMFLAG) (meta.code.error;meta.modelled)
  Ndet  2XMM Number of detection (N_DETECTIONS) (
  Sep arcsec (n) Separation between the 2XMM detection and the galaxy position (Galactic Separation) (pos.angDistance)
  LumDet 10-7W Detection 0.2-12.0 keV luminosity and its uncertainty (Det_Luminosity) (phys.luminosity;em.X-ray)
  e_LumDet 10-7W rms uncertainty on LumDet (Det_Luminosity Error) (stat.error)
  CP02 (char) Source names of any ULXs in the Colbert & Ptak (2002ApJS..143...25C, Cat. J/ApJS/143/25) catalogue likely to be matched with the 2XMM detection (CP02) (
  LB05 (char) Source names of any ULXs in the Liu & Bregman (2005ApJS..157...59L, Cat. J/ApJS/157/59) catalogue likely to be matched with the 2XMM detection (LB05) (
  SW04 (char) Record number of any ULXs in the Swartz et al. (2009ApJ...703..159S) catalogue likely to be matched with the 2XMM detection (SW04) (
  LM05 (char) Source names of any ULXs in the Liu & Mirabel (2005A&A...429.1125L, Cat. J/A+A/429/1125) catalogue likely to be matched with the 2XMM detection (LM05) (
  LM05O (char) Alternative source names of any ULXs in the Liu & Mirabel (2005A&A...429.1125L Cat. J/A+A/429/1125) catalogue likely to be matched with the 2XMM detection (LM05O) (
  New? (char) Flag stating whether the source is a 'new' ULX candidate (i.e. not present in the above catalogues) (New?) (meta.code)
  Comp (char) Flag stating whether the detection of a source is included in the sub-sample compiled from complete observations (Complete_subsample?) (meta.code.error)
  SimbadName (char) Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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