####################################################### # README file for MSDLINES # version 02: dom mar 1 11:38:34 CET 2015 # jmaldonado at inaf-oapa #----------------------------------------------------- # See Maldonado et al. (2015, submitted) for details. # Please report any bug or suggestion to: # jmaldonado@astropa.inaf.it ####################################################### O. System requirements: ------------------------------------------------------ It requires the gfortran compiler and the CFITSIO library (http://heasarc.nasa.gov/fitsio/fitsio.html). ** NOTE ********************************************** This code was developed for HARPS / HARPS-N spectra. We caution that our methods are untested or unreliable on other spectrographs. ******************************************************* 1. Files description: ------------------------------------------------------ * 'harpn_all_4424_identified_features.dat': It contains the original list of identified features. * 'stars_list.txt': File containing the list of stars to be calibrated. * 'msdlines.f90': Main program. It computes the pseudo equivalent widths and call the subroutines for stellar parameters determination. * 'coefficients_Mstars_ratios_teff_ver02.dat': It contains the coefficients for computing the effective temperature. * 'msdteff.f90': Subroutine to compute the effective temperature. * 'coefficients_Mstars_ratios_sptype_ver02.dat': It contains the coefficients for computing the spectral types. * 'msdstypes.f90': Subroutine to determine the spectral type. * 'coefficients_Mstars_ratios_metallicity_ver02.dat': It contains the coefficients for computing the stellar metallicity. * 'msdmetal.f90': Subroutine to determine the stellar metallicity. * 'msdlgmr.f90:': Subroutine for gravity, mass, radii, and luminosity determination. * 'Makefile': Makefile to compile the code * 'gj15A.asc' and 'gj205.asc': Spectra of two stars to demonstrate how the code works. * 'README.txt': This file 2. How to run the code: ------------------------------------------------------ The list of stars to be calibrated should be included in the 'stars_list.txt' file. The first raw of the file should not be deleted. The second line gives the format of the spectra. It could be either ASCII ('ascii') or one dimensional FITS spectra ('fits'). The third raw of the file should not be deleted. The rest of the lines should contain two arguments for each star: i) a star identifier and ii) its corresponding stellar spectra. The spectra should be in the same directory where all the programs are. The Makefile provided with the code can be used to compute it, generating an executable file called MSDLINES (just write make). Please, check your path to the cfitsio library and your FORTRAN compiler. The cfitsio library is needed to read the input spectra in fits format. See, http://heasarc.nasa.gov/fitsio/fitsio.html for details on how to install it if needed. 3. Outputs: ------------------------------------------------------ The code produces an individual file for each star in the 'star_list.txt' file with the extension *psdEWs.dat. These files contain the measured pseudo equivalent widths. It also produces three auxiliary files: 'derived_metallicities.dat' 'derived_sptypes.dat', and 'derived_temperatures.dat' whose contents are self-explanatory. Do not change the names of these files in the codes. The main output of the code is the file 'msd_summary_stellar_parameters.txt' which contains all the derived stellar parameters. A value of "-99.0" is given if the star falls out of the range of applicability of our calibrations.