ASTRO uses source catalogs, that are selected by the CATALOG name command. File extension may be omitted when specifying the file name, the default is .sou. The catalog format is that used at the Plateau de Bure and Pico Veleta telescopes.
Catalogs in the old OBSINP input format, used at the IRAM 30-m Pico Veleta telescope until 2006, may also be read. The command is then CATALOG /VELETA. In that case, the input file (default extension .cat) is read and converted to the standard format; a file with the same name but extension .sou is created in the current directory.
In the ASTRO catalog format, each source uses one line of the catalog file. Each line should contain the following consecutive keywords (some may be omitted):
B0415+379|3C111Each name must have at most 12 characters.
A second catalog (known as the ``ALTERNATE''catalog ) may also
be defined, using CATALOG Name /ALTERNATE. Commands
SOURCE, HORIZON and CONVERT will take sources from
this alternate catalog if used with the /ALTERNATE option. This
enables easy switching between two classes of objects: for instance
the project sources in the main catalog, and pointing sources or phase
calibrators in the ALTERNATE catalog.
Example of catalog:
IRC+50096 3:22:59.000 47:21:19.00 LS -17.2 CRL618 4:39:34.000 36:01:16.00 LS -21.3 IRC+10216 9:45:14.800 13:30:40.50 LS -27.0 CIT6 10:13:11.000 30:49:17.00 LS -1.8 IRC-10236 10:14:35.000 -14:24:31.00 LS 3.3 YCVN 12:42:47.000 45:42:48.00 LS 21.7 IRC+10420 19:24:26.700 11:15:11.00 LS 75.0 CRL2688 21:00:19.900 36:29:45.00 LS -36.0 NGC7027 21:05:09.400 42:02:03.00 LS 24.8 RCAS 23:55:51.700 51:06:36.00 LS 22.0 OH26.5+0.6 18:34:52.500 -5:26:37.00 LS 27.0 OH104.9+2.4 22:17:42.500 59:36:16.00 LS -28.0 MUCEP88 EQ 1988.5 21:43:09.300 58:43:37.00 LS 0 ALIRA EQ 2000.0 18:36:56.200 38:47:01.00 LS 0.