Once the LINE, NARROW, and SPECTRAL commands have been used to define the tuning of the receiver and backend, the command PRINT filename allows one to write in an output file the corresponding OBS commands. This file can directly be included in the observing procedure (``setup'' file) to be run at the Plateau de Bure.
! ! Plateau de Bure receiver and backend setup ! Written by ASTRO command PRINT on 11-FEB-2008 ! ! ----- Receiver ----- ! LET RECEIVER 1 LINE LINE test 100.000000 LSB LOW 6500.00 57 /RECEIVER 1 ! ! ----- IF processor ----- ! Selected quarters are Q3 VER and Q4 HOR ! NARROW Q3 Q4 /RECEIVER 1 ! ! ----- Narrow-band correlator ----- ! SPECTRAL 1 80 550.00 /NARROW 1 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 2 80 350.00 /NARROW 2 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 3 20 793.00 /NARROW 2 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 4 20 700.00 /NARROW 2 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 5 320 360.00 /NARROW 1 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 6 320 740.00 /NARROW 1 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 7 320 540.00 /NARROW 2 /RECEIVER 1 SPECTRAL 8 320 830.00 /NARROW 2 /RECEIVER 1