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Compute atmospheric emission, opacity, system temperatures, etc..., us-
ing input parameters provided by the user. Input parameters are the fol-
lowing SIC variables:
TEMPERATURE Outside temperature
ZERO_PRESSURE Pressure at sea level.
AIRMASS Number of air masses
WATER Precipitable water vapor
FORWARD_EFF Forward efficiency
GAIN_IMAGE Receiver gain ratio
TREC Receiver temperature
FREQ_SIG Signal frequency (in GHz)
FREQ_IMA Image frequency (in GHz)
These variables can be assigned using the SIC command LET. The addi-
tional input variables
ALTITUDE Site altitude
FREQ_SIG Signal frequency (in GHz)
FREQ_IMA Image frequency (in GHz)
are modified by the ASTRO OBSERVATORY and LINE commands.
Option /PRINT displays all these inputs.
The output of the command consists in the following variables
TRUE_PRESSURE Local pressure, derived from the site altitude and
the sea level pressure by the scale height of 5.5 km.
TSYS The system temperature in the signal sideband
TAU_H2O The water vapor opacity
TAU_O2 The dry atmosphere opacity (mostly due to Oxygen,
but minor constituents like Ozone may also play a role)
TAU_TOT The total opacity: H2O + O2 (+ minor components for
new ATM versions)
EMIS_SIG The atmospheric emission (Kelvin) in the signal sideband
EMIS_IMA The atmospheric emission (Kelvin) in the image sideband
PATH_SIG The atmospheric excess optical path length (mm)
in the signal sideband
PATH_IMA The atmospheric excess optical path length (mm)
in the image sideband
These variables can then be used to produce plots of atmospheric trans-
parency, system temperatures, etc...
will do the same calculations, but interpolating the data from the bina-
ry table (logical name GAG_ATMOSPHERE).
ATMOSPHERE MAKE filename nf freqmin freqmax
will create the binary table filename.bin for nf frequencies between
freqmin and freqmax (in GHz).
will save inside filename.bin the binary table currently in memory.
This is useful to save with the current machine byte order a table pre-
viously computed on a different machine with a different byte order.
Gildas manager