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[ASTRO\]HORIZON h1 h2 ... [/AIRMASS] [/SOURCE ... ] [/PLANET ... ]
This command is used to produce plots of LST ranges of observability,
above specified elevations, of sources and planets. An OBSERVATORY and a
TIME must have been selected. The LST axis is drawn on the bottom of the
plot, and UTC on the top . An horizontal line is drawn for the time pe-
riod during which the object(s) is(are) visible above elevation h1; tick
marks and labels are provided for elevations h1, h2, ... (in degrees),
or corresponding air masses values (with /AIRMASS option). Elevation
values must be in increasing order, or airmasses in decreasing order.
Various options are available to control the plot:
/SOURCE will plot all sources
of the current (by default) or alternate
(if /ALTERNATE is used) catalog.
/SOURCE name1 name2 ... will be restricted to the specified sources
/SOURCE NEXT n will plot the next n sources in the current
catalog (repeat this command to avoid over-
crowded pages)
/ALTERNATE with /SOURCE, will use the Alternate catalog
/FLUX Fmin Fmax restrict the search to sources with flux in
the specified range.
/PLANET will plot on one page all solar-system bodies
/PLANET name1 name2 ... will be restricted to the specified bodies
/NIGHT_MARKS Plots also the beginning and end of astronomica
nautical and civil twilights, and an estimate o
the moon phase and the moon bolometric magnitud
For specific Plateau de Bure scheduling purposes, the options /PROJECT
and /ELEVATION can be used to further restrict the search of the sources
in the catalog. In that case, the source catalog must have a number of
additional parameters available for each source (project name, frequen-
cy, priority, minimal elavation,...).
Gildas manager