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[ASTRO\]TIME [time [date]] [/ZONE Z] [/UT1] [/TDT] [/NODRAW]
Specify the time-date of computation. Time is normally understood as
UTC; options /UT1 and /TDT may be used to change this to UT1 or TDT. The
time format is HH:MM:SS.SSS, and the date format is DD-MMM-YYYY. Time
and date may be absent or replaced by an asterisk (*), which defaults to
current system time. Local civil time may be input instead of UTC, with
the option /ZONE z, where z is the difference in hours between UTC and
local civil time (use /ZONE 2 in western Europe in Summer, 1 in winter).
By default, if the sun is visible, a Sun Avoidance Circle (see HELP OB-
SERVATORY) is plotted. It can be suppressed using the /NODRAW option.
Use HEADER to examine the value of the Sun Avoidance Circle.
Gildas manager