Up: PDBI and ALMA languages
[PDBI\]LINE Name Frequency Band [Lock [Center [Harm]]]
[PICO\]LINE Name Frequency Band [Center]
Define and plot the receiver frequency coverage of the EMIR 30-m re-
Define and plot the receiver frequency coverage of the Plateau de
Bure Interferometer (with the receivers installed in winter 2006/2007).
The command syntax is identical to that of the corresponding command in
Name is a line name to label the plot
Frequency is the rest frequency in GHz
Band should be USB or LSB
Lock is LOW or HIGH [optional, default LOW]
Center is the IF1 frequency in MHz [optional, default 6500]
Harm is the harmonic number [optional]
o The receiver band to be used (1 to 4) will be determined by the soft-
o The center frequency is expressed in the first IF (4-8 GHz = 4000-8000
MHz). WARNING: it is highly not recommended to center the line frequency
at 6 GHz. This is because the correlator analyses quarters of the 4 GHz
bandwidths, and 6 GHz is very precisely at the limit between two such
adjacents quarters.
o The plot displays the four "quarters" Q1...Q4 that can be selected as
input for the correlator (see NARROW_INPUT command):
Q1 = 4.2-5.2 GHz, Q2 = 5.0-6.0 GHz
Q3 = 6.0-7.0 GHz, Q4 = 6.8-7.8 GHz
o Commands NARROW and SPECTRAL are available to setup the IF processor
and the spectral units of the narrow-band correlator (see the corre-
sponding help). A typical ASTRO session would look like:
line toto 100 usb ! choice of rx tuning
narrow q1 q3 ! choice of the correlator windows
spectral 1 20 320 /nar 1 ! correlator unit 1
spectral 2 320 200 /nar 2 ! correlator unit 2
spectral 2 320 210 /nar 2 ! new def. of unit 2 --> plot is updated
o Command PLOT can be used to plot the full receiver coverage, that of
the NARROW band correlator, or that or the WIDEX correlator.
o LINE can also be used to produce plots of the frequency coverage of
the old receivers (replaced in 2006/2007). The command SET PDBI year al-
lows one to select the instrument as of the selected year:
- 1995: 3 and 1.3 mm receivers, 500 MHz bandwidth
- 2000: 3 and 1.3 mm receivers, 580 MHz bandwidth
- 2006: new generation receivers (4 GHz bandwidth, 2 polar.) [default]
For the OLD receivers (years 1995 & 2000), the commands NARROW, SPEC-
TRAL, PLOT are not active. Please enter HELP LINE OLD for a description
of the behaviour of the LINE command in that case.
Gildas manager