At any time during an ASTRO session, the HEADER command can be used to check the current time and observatory that have been selected. The output of the command also give sun-related information (sun rise, sun set, twilight times).
UTC : 19-SEP-2007 02:18:59.998 UT1 : 19-SEP-2007 02:18:59.698 D_UT1 : -0.300 TDT : 19-SEP-2007 02:20:05.182 D_TDT : 65.184 Julian date : 2454362.60 LST : 02:33:06.1453 OBS : BURE 05:54:28.500 44:38:02.000 Alt.: 2.560 km Sun Avoidance: 45.0 deg. SunRise/Set : 05:23:47.980 17:37:02.472 Twilight Start End Civil : 18:10:55.799 04:49:54.653 Nautical : 18:45:21.460 04:15:28.992 Astronomical : 19:20:49.604 03:40:00.848