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    f2] [/NUMBER n1 n2] [/SCAN s1 s2] [/OFFSET o1 o2] [/SOURCE name] [/RANGE
    w e s n] [QUALITY q] [/TELESCOPE name] [/SUBSCAN s1 s2] [/ENTRY]  [/SEC-
    TION name]

    FIND performs a search in the input file to build a new index, according
    to selection criteria defined by the SET command. These criteria may  be
    temporarily modified by the following options:
    /ALL             all versions of each scan are searched for
                     (if not present: only the last version)
    /LINE name       search by line name
    /FREQUENCY f1 f2 search by signal or image frequency value or range
    /NUMBER n1 n2    search for the specified range of observation numbers
    /ENTRY  n1 n2    search for the specified range of entry numbers
    /SCAN s1 s2      search for the specified range of scan numbers
    /SUBSCAN s1 s2   search for the specified range of subscan numbers
    /OBSERVED d1 d2  search for these dates (JJ-MMM-YYYY)
    /OFFSET a1 a2    search for these offsets
    /QUALITY q       search for the data of quality better than Q
    /RANGE w e s n   search for the specified range of offsets
    /SOURCE name     search by source name
    /TELESCOPE name  search for the telescope used
    /SECTION name    search for observations which have this section defined

    FIND  does  not  return an error if the index is empty, but the variable
    FOUND is set to 0. FOUND is always set to the number of observations  in
    the index.


Gildas manager 2014-07-01