LAS\WRITE [ObsNum] Writes the observation in the R buffer onto the output file. If a ver- sion of this observation is already in the file, a new version of the observation is created. A new observation number can be specified as ar- gument. If the implicit (R%HEAD%GEN%NUM) or explicit (argument ObsNum) value is 0, automatic numbering is used i.e. a new (unused yet) number is chosen (in pratice highest number in use plus one). The behaviour depends on the "File Type" (see FILE command): - for files of type MULTIPLE, a new version of the spectrum is written if the ObsNum already exists in the file. - for files of type SINGLE, the ObservationNumber is automatically set to the next one available in the file. If an ObsNum is specified in the command, WRITE checks if it already exists. If so, it returns an error; if not, it sets the specified ObsNum to the written spectrum. - for both, the version value (R%HEAD%GEN%VER) is always incremented, assuming something has changed in R between the time it has been load- ed in memory (or last written) and the current write. On return of the command, R%HEAD%GEN%NUM and R%HEAD%GEN%VER are set to the values which have been used. The information written depends on the operations done on the observa- tion. Existing fit results are written. The calibration information is written only if the calibration is checked (see SET CALIBRATION com- mand). In the case of (old) on-the-fly data, WRITE automatically splits the da- ta into records with entry numbers starting at 1 unless the observation number of the first record is given explicitly.