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Entry Number and Index

The FIND command offers the possibility to build an index of the observations matching several given selection criteria. The user can then easily process consistently only those observations. Each time a new index is formed using the FIND command, all the selected observations (which will belong to this index) are sequentially attributed a number, named entry number. This number goes from 1 to found, the number of observations in the current index. The entry number is never saved. It is just used as a number to process the current index in a loop.

Default selection criteria are defined by the SET command. For most selection criteria, an option to the FIND command exists, with the same name, which may be used to impose temporary values to the FIND command; the default values are unchanged by the FIND options.

The tolerance parameter defined by SET MATCH also influences on the position searches, since this parameter (in the current angle unit) is used to check agreement with the specified limits. Another option to the FIND command is /ALL which enables to find all the versions of all observations satisfying the selection criteria (otherwise only the most recent version is selected). Note that the system is intended to work only with the last version of observations, so that the use of the /ALL option should remain exceptional.

Finally, the SET SORT force the FIND command to sort all the entries of an index in ascending order of a key parameter (e.g. lambda or beta offsets). SET SORT number implies the default order.

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Gildas manager 2014-07-01