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T through Z

W-TAG, Observation <Integer> not found
LAS, TAG command. The observation to be tagged does not exist, or is not of the current type.
E-TAG, Quality out of range
LAS, TAG command. Quality must be in the range 0-9 (0 Unknown, 1 to 8 from Excellent to Very bad, 9 reserved for deleted observations).
E-UPDATE, Can only update last versions
LAS, UPDATE command. Only last versions can be updated, the command had no effect.
User action : Use command WRITE instead of command UPDATE, but note that the new spectrum will become the last version in this case.
E-UPDATE, Input file must equal Output file
LAS, UPDATE command. The command had no effect.
User action : open the input as the output file too, and retry the command.

E-WBUF, Read error block <Integer>
LAS, Input/Output routines. A READ operation failed. The output file may be corrupted.
User action : notify your system manager. If the output file is corrupted, try to recover as many spectra as possible (cf ``Recovering Corrupted Data Files'').
E-WBUF, Write error block <Integer>
LAS, Input/Output routines. A WRITE operation failed. This usually corresponds to an exceeded disk quota. This error may also be due to a write-lock error on the output device. In these cases, the WRITE operation can be done later. The problem can also be more serious and indicate a corrupted output file.
User action : check disk quota. Notify your system manager. If the output file is corrupted, try to recover as many spectra as possible (see ``Recovering Corrupted Data Files'').
E-WDATA, Observation not open for write nor modify
LAS, Input/Output routines. An UPDATE or WRITE operation failed because the observation was not opened for write.
User action : This indicates an internal logic error in CLASS and should never occur. Submit an SPR.
E-WDATA, Insufficient space available for data section
LAS, Input/Output routines. An UPDATE or WRITE operation failed because the observation length is declared too short.
User action : This indicates an internal logic error in CLASS and should never occur. Submit an SPR.
F-WOBS, No output file opened
LAS, Input/Output routines. A WRITE operation failed because there is no output file.
User action : Open an output file.
F-WOX, Output file index is full
LAS, Index output routines. A WRITE operation failed because there are too many spectra in the output file. Nothing has been written.
User action : There are two possibilities i) open a new output file and write the spectrum. ii) you may consider compressing the output file by keeping only the last versions of the spectra, and then open the compressed output file and write the spectrum.
F-WOX, Read error block <Integer>
LAS, Index routines. A WRITE operation failed because the index could not be read correctly. This probably indicates a hardware problem.
User action : notify your system manager.
F-WOX, Write error block <Integer>
LAS, Index routines. A WRITE operation failed because the index block could not be written correctly. This probably indicates a hardware problem.
User action : notify your system manager.
I-WRITE, Observation <Integer>;<Integer> successfully <String>
LAS, WRITE or UPDATE commands, information message. <String> indicates whether the observations was updated or written.
E-WSEC, Observation not open for write or modify
LAS, Input/Output routines. A WRITE operation failed because the observation is defined as readonly.
User action : This indicates an internal logic error in CLASS. Submit an SPR.
F-WSEC, Too many sections
LAS, Input/Output routines. A WRITE operation failed because there are too many sections in the current spectrum to be written in the current file. This should not happen in the basic CLASS , but may occur to people using extended CLASS capabilities with user-defined sections.
User action : Submit an SPR, specifying the number of user-defined sections.
F-WSEC, Section <Integer> already written
LAS, Input/Output routines. A WRITE operation failed because the specified section already exists. This indicates an internal logic error.
User action : Submit an SPR.
F-WSEC, Insufficient room available for section <String>
F-WSEC, Absent section <String>
LAS, Input/Output routines. An UPDATE operation failed because the specified section is longer in the R spectrum than in the output file.
User action : use the WRITE command instead (immediately to avoid leaving the observation half modified in the output file).
E-ZOOM, No cursor available
LAS, ZOOM command without arguments. No cursor is available to define the zooming window.
User action : supply the zooming window explicitly.

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Gildas manager 2014-07-01