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        CLIC\SET GIBBS number

    Give the number of channels to be masked on each  side  of  the  central
    frequency,  for the correlator subbands which are obtained by juxtaposi-
    tion of both sidebands of a common local oscillator.  Due to  the  Gibbs
    effect,  a  few  channels  are  corrupted by a contribution of the image
    sideband of the first local oscillator, which may contain signal if  the
    source  has  continuum emission.  This is the case for the 320 MHz bands
    at the Plateau de Bure correlator, as well as the 160 and 80  MHz  bands
    in some modes.

    The GIBBS number is used by further PLOT and TABLE commands. The default
    is 0, which is relevant for line sources with no continuum emission.

Gildas manager 2014-07-01