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        CLIC\SET Y param1 [param2 ...] [/LIMITS min1 max1 [min2 max2 ...]]

    Choose the parameter to be plotted along Y-axes by command PLOT.

    Parameters valid in both TIME mode and SPECTRAL mode:
      AMPLITUDE,  PHASE,  REAL,  or  IMAGINARY:   referring  to   the  visi-
        bility   in   the  subband(s),  sideband(s),  baseline(s) (or anten-
        na(s)) selected by SET SUBBANDS, SET BANDS, SET  BASELINES  or   SET
        ANTENNAS   commands.   Only  correlation  scans will be plotted, not

      AUTOCORR.   :   the  autocorrelation  power  measured  in    the  sub-
        band(s),   antenna(s)  selected  by  SET  SUBBANDS,  and  SET ANTEN-
        NAS commands.  Only autocorrelation scans will be plotted,  (includ-
        ing calibration scans), not correlations.

    Parameters valid in SPECTRAL mode only:

      CHANNEL  :   channel  number  in the correlator (use ony  this  one if
        Fourier Transform has not been made).

      VELOCITY :  normally with respect to LSR.

      I_FREQUENCY : the frequency in the second IF (around 350 MHz).

      SKY_FREQUENCY : the sky frequency.  This should be the line rest  fre-
        quency if the velocity is correct.

    Parameters valid in TIME mode only:

      U_COORD,  V_COORD, RADIUS, ANGLE: referring to cartesian, or polar co-
        ordinates, in the (U,V) plane, of the baseline(s) selected  by  com-
        mand SET BASELINES.

      TIME:  universal  time  (in hours, origin determined by the first plot
        made, may be reset by PLOT /RESET).

      SCAN:  the scan number

      NUMBER:  the observation number.

      RECORD:  the record number (1 to the number of plotted points).



      RMS_PHASE:  the r.m.s.  of the  phase  of  the  average  of  the  non-
        flagged   subbands   of   the continuum correlator, in current phase
        units  (degrees  or  radians).   This  r.m.s.   phase   is  computed
        during the data compression.

      RMS_AMPLITUDE:   the  r.m.s.  of the amplitude of the  average  of the
        non-flagged  subbands  of  the  continuum  correlator,   in  current
        amplitude units  (kelvins  or  janskys).   This  r.m.s. amplitude is
        computed during the data compression.

      DELAY:  as  specified  for  specified  baseline  (differential,  A1-A2
        for baseline 12), or for the specified antenna(s).

      LO_RATE:   as  specified  for specified baseline (differential, as DE-
        LAY), or for the specified antenna(s).

      LO_PHASE:  as used for  specified  baseline   (differential,   as  DE-
        LAY), or for the specified antenna(s).

      CABLE_PHASE:  as measured for specified baseline (differential, as DE-
        LAY), or for the specified antenna(s).

      GAMME:  the current range (1 or 2) of the cable phasemeter.

      TOTAL_POWER:   the  total  power   measured   for   the   given anten-
        na(s), as measured by the connected detectors.

      LAMBDA,  BETA,  or  FOCUS:  the scanning coordinates for  pointing and
        focussing  scans  (arc  seconds,  or millimeters), for the specified
        antenna,  or  the moving antenna if the given  baseline (if only one
        is moving).

      AZ_CORR: the azimuth collimation correction in arc seconds.

      EL_CORR: the elevation collimation correction in arc seconds.

      FOC_CORR: the Z focus correction in millimeters.

      T00 ...  T04 : general test parameters (in data headers)

      T10 ...  T14 : test parameters (antenna based) (in data headers)

      TREC:  receiver temperature for the given antenna(s).

      TSYS :  Equivalent system temperature for  the  given  baseline  (Geo-
        metrical   mean  of Tsys for both antennas), or for the given anten-

      PAMB, TAMB, HUMIDITY: measured atmospheric parameters.

      WIND_AVERAGE, WIND_DIR0the wind direction in degrees, for 5 min. aver-
        ages and maxima..

      QUALITY: The observation quality as set with commands TAG or CURSOR.

      AZIMUTH, ELEVATION: Start azimuth and elevation for each scan.

      AZ_ERR, EL_ERR: The tracking errors in arc seconds.

      AZ_PH,  EL_PH:  The azimuth and elevation for each record (as used for
        phase tracking).

      PARAL_ANGLE: Parallactic angle (angle between the  vertical  direction
        and the meridian plane)

      WATER:  Water content of atmosphere (as set by the programmer, or mea-
        sured with given antenna).

      ATM_EMISSION: From the output of the atmospheric monitor (normally the
        1.3mm  receiver).  This is the measured radiation temperature of the
        atmosphere, in Kelvins of Rayleigh-Jeans equivalent  radiation  tem-

      ATM_POWER: This is the output of the atmospheric monitor (normally the
        1.3mm receiver). It is the actual counts that appear on the monitors
        during observations.

      ATM_REFERENCE:  The  atmospheric  emission used as a reference for the
        phase correction. This is computed by the command MONITOR. The phase
        correction will be proportional to the difference between the output
        of the atmospheric monitor and this reference value.

      ATM_PHASE: The computed atmospheric phase correction.

      ATM_UNCORRPH: The phase  uncorrected from atmosphere.

      ATM_CORRPH: The phase  corrected from atmosphere.

      ATM_VALIDITY: 0 or 1 whether the phase correction  has  been  declared
        valid or not.

      CAL_PHASE: The phase instrumental calibration curve.

      CAL_AMPLI: The amplitude instrumental calibration curve.

      AIR_MASS: The number of air masses (1/sin(elev))

      GROUND_EMIS:  The  ground  emission in K (calibrated total power, with
        sky emission subtracted).

      EMISSION:  The total power detected in emission in K (ground + sky)

      TDEWAR1, TDEWAR2, TDEWAR3: The temperatures in the 3-stage cryogenera-

      TCABIN,  TCHOP,  TCOLD: The temperatures of the receiver cabin, of the
        ambient load, and the equivalent temperature of the cold load.

      WVRTAMB, WVRTPEL: The temperature of the  water vapor radiometer (WVR)
        ambient load and peltier cooler.

      WVRTCAL1,  WVRTCAL2,  WVRTCAL3 : The channel gains for the 3 frequency

      WVRREF1, WVRREF2, WVRREF3 : The average counts on  reference  observa-

      WVRAVER1,  WVRAVER2, WVRAVER3 : The average counts on current observa-

      WVRAMB1, WVRAMB2, WVRAMB3 : The average counts on  last  ambient  mea-

      WVRTREC1, WVRTREC2, WVRTREC3 : The receiver temperatures

      WVRFEFF1, WVRFEFF2, WVRFEFF3 : The coupling factors to sky

      WVRMODE : The calibration mode

      WVRH2O, WVRPATH : The precipitable water vapor and corresponding path-

      WVRTSYS1, WVRTSYS2, WVRTSYS3 : The system temperatures

      WVRDPATH1, WVRDPATH1, WVRDPATH3 : The Kelvin to water vapor pathlength

      WVRFPATH1, WVRFPATH2, WVRFPATH3 : The Kelvin to water vapor pathlength

      WVRLIQ1, WVRLIQ2, WVRLIQ3 : The Kelvin to liquid water emission

      WVRDCLOUD1, WVRDCLOUD2, WVRDCLOUD3 : The Kelvin to liquid water  path-
        length (model)

      WVRTATM : The temperature of atmosphere

      WVRQUAL : The  quality code

      DH_WVR1, DH_WVR2, DH_WVR3 : counts of each WVR channel

      DH_WVRSTAT :  status word

      WVR_PHA_M : The WVR phase value (model)

      WVR_PHA_E : The WVR phase value (empirical)

      WVR_PHA_C : The WVR phase value due to Cloud (Model)

      tatm_s,  tatm_i  : The temperature of the atmosphere in the signal and
        image band

      REFC1, REFC2, REFC2: refraction coefficients.

      REFRACTION: refraction correction.

    The available parameters are the same as with the SET  Y  command.   De-

    The  /LIMITS option is used to specify fixed limits, e.g.: "SET Y AMPLI-
    TUDE /LIMITS a1 a2" where a1 and a2 are the amplitude limits to be  used
    in  this example.  The codes "*" and "=" may be used. "*" means that the
    limits are automatically adjusted to the data, separately in  each  box;
    "=" means that common limits to all boxes are computed.

    Default limits are provided for AMPLITUDE and PHASE only: 0 * * * if SET
    PHASE CONTINUOUS is effective, 0 * -180 180 if SET  PHASE  JUMPY  DEGREE
    (with corresponding values if SET PHASE RADIANS).

Gildas manager 2014-07-01