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Call the interactive cursor, if available on your graphic terminal.
This enables you to measure point coordinates and perform some data
editing on the result of a PLOT command.
After pressing any key, one of the data points is selected according to
the argument `mode'. In mode D the closest data point from the cursor is
selected; in mode X (the default) the data point with closest X coordi-
nate is selected; in mode Y the data point with closest Y coordinate is
The following actions are possible:
- Press any key to get the coordinates of the selected point.
- Press 'H' to display some header information of the selected scan
(as with LIST command).
- Press 'K' to delete the selected point from the current plot buffers
(type PLOT SAME to replot the buffers). This may be very useful to
remove corrupted points from the buffers e.g. before fitting cali-
bration curves.
- Press 'N' to initiate a new range for Ignore, Tag, and Flag (see
below). This works only with time-like plots, and is to be used
preferrably with coordinates that are monotonous functions of time
(scan number, observation number, time, ...)
- Press 'I' to ignore all scans in the current range (initiated by
'N'). This is equivalent to typing the IGNORE command for the same
- Press 'T' to tag all scans in the current range (initiated by
'N'). This is equivalent to typing the TAG command for the same
scans. You will be prompted for a quality code in the range 0 to
9 (see TAG command). The quality codes are stored in the output
file, which must be equal to the input file.
- Press 'F' to flag all records in the current range (initiated by
'N'). You will be prompted for a list of flags (see FLAG command).
These flags will affect the baseline or antenna corresponding to the
box you are pointing at. They will be stored in the output file,
which must be equal to the input file.
- Press 'E' to exit the cursor mode.
Gildas manager