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    Displays some header information on the current observation.

         General information line
             Observation number
             Scan number
             Project Id
             Source name
             Source type (Object or Phase calibrator)
             Procedure name
             Interferometer configuration
             Date of observation
             UT of observation
             Hour angle

         Position information line
             RA or L : right ascension or longitude (or azimuth)
             DEC or B : declination or latitude (or elevation)
             Epoch if equatorial coordinates are used
             Offsets in current units
             Type of coordinate (Eq, Ga, Ho)
             Flux of the source

         Quality information line
             Quality code
             Receiver number
             Number of dump

         Spectral line information line
             Line name
             Rest frequency
             Doppler correction
             Source velocity

         Correlator information, for each subband
             Logical name
             Width (MHz)
             Central IF (MHz)
             Physical unit
             Quarter [for new receivers only]
             Polarization [for new receivers only]
             Narrow-band correlator input [for new receivers only]

         Interferometer status, for each antenna
             Antenna number
             Azimuth, Elevation, Focus corrections
             Receiver temperature (K)
             Image rejection (dB)
             Water (mm)
             System temperature (Tsys)

Gildas manager 2014-07-01