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        CLIC\LIST [key] [/SHORT] [/BRIEF] [/LONG] [/OUTPUT file]
        [/PROJECT] [/SOURCE] [/VARIABLE var_list [/FORMAT format_list]]
        [/OFFSET] [/FLAG]

    This  command  lists  header information of an ensemble of observations.
    LIST is used for a quick look to observation headers, in a more or  less
    detailed  format.  'Key'  specifies the file to be listed: IN or OUT; if
    'Key' is not present, the current index (as determined by the last  FIND
    command)  is  listed. The list will be ordered by scan numbers or by re-
    ceiver number, depending on the command SET SORT SCAN|RECEIVER. For each
    observation, a medium-sized format is used by default. This can be modi-
    fied using the options:


        Brief format (observation numbers and version numbers only).


        Long format (not allowed for the output file). Several lines can  be
        listed for each scan, that can be selected using the SET FORMAT com-


        Gives only one line for a set of scans with  same  parameters;  IFPB
        and  CALI  are not listed. The first and last scan of each group are
        logged in array S_GROUP[2,N_GROUP], N_GROUP is the number of groups.

    The  output of the LIST command can be written in an output file instead
    of the terminal using the "/OUTPUT File" option.  LIST can also be  used
    to to list a number of specific parameters:


        List data flags for current index.


        List the observing projects in the current index. The number of dif-
        ferents offset positions is in variable N_OFFPOS, the offsets are in
        array OFFPOS[2,N_OFFPOS].


        List  the  observed sources in the current index. The number of dif-
        ferent source is in variable N_SOURCE, the source names in character
        array C_SOURCE[N_SOURCE].


        List the observed position offsets for the current index.

    LIST /VARIABLE var_list

        List  the  value  of  the header variables given in var_list.  These
        variables must have been defined by command  VARIABLE.  If  "/FORMAT
        format_list" is also given, each variable in the list is printed ac-
        cording to the associated format item. The format items  must  match
        the variable types. With option /SHORT, a line is printed only if at
        least one of the variables has changed, and is preceded by the  cor-
        responding scan number range.

        Example: LIST /VARIABLE FREQUENCY IFCEN[2] /FORMAT f10.3 f6.3 /SHORT
        gives the sky rest frequency and the central IF frequency of subband
        L02,  as  a function of scan numbers. These variables must have been
        previoulsy defined using VARIABLE RF and VARIABLE LINE.

Gildas manager 2014-07-01