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        CLIC\PLOT keyword [/IDENTIFY [COLOUR]] [/NOFRAME [pen]] [/NODRAW]
        [/RECORD list_of_records] [/RESET] [/APPEND] [/PHYSICAL]

    Plot data from the current index according to options  selected  by  the
    CLIC\SET command.

    PLOT [ALL]

        Erases the screen and plots all data in the current index (default).


        Erases the screen and plots data from the first observation  in  the
        current index.


        Plots  data from the next observation in the current index. Does not
        clear the screen before plotting.

    PLOT number

        Plots data from the observation of the given number (must be in  the
        current index). Does not clear the screen before plotting.


        Plots  again  the  last  plotted buffers (with possibly new options,
        such as line type, limits, ...).


        Does not erase the screen, and plots data in the present boxes,  op-
        tionally  with a new pen. This is very useful for comparing data. It
        can also be used in conjunction with PLOT /APPEND.


        Does not produce the plot but read all data and update the X  and  Y
        buffers. This is very useful to e.g. modify these buffers in SIC be-
        fore actual plotting (with PLOT SAME).

    PLOT /RECORD list_of_records

        Plots only some records for the observation(s). "list_of_records" is
        of the format n1 to n2 n3 n4 to n5, as with the SIC\FOR command.


        Plots  a different GREG symbol for each source (if SET PLOT POINT is
        currently active). Using optional argument COLOR will produce points
        also differing by color.


        Plot labels use physical antenna number rather than logical numbers.


        Reset the time origin (and, by consequence, the  time-dependent  am-
        plitude and phase calibration curves) before plotting.


        Does  not  reset  the previous buffers before reading data and plot-
        ting.  This may be used at the Plateau  de  Bure  for  incrementally
        plotting new data just after it is written on disk.

    After the plot, the arrays X_VALUE and Y_VALUE contain the values of the
    points that have been displayed. N_BOXES is the  number  of  boxes  that
    have been plotted.

Gildas manager 2014-07-01