CLIC\SET ATMOSPHERE Argument Value /ANTENNA a1 [a2 ...]
Selects the way atmospheric calibration is done by command ATMOSPHERE,
Argument may be FILE, AUTO, TREC, or MANUAL. This will affect the anten-
nas given in argument to the option /ANTENNA (/ANTENNA ALL selects all
antennas). Argument may also be NEW, 2009, 2003, OLD, 1985, to switch
between atmospheric model versions or INTERPOLATE to use tabulated atmo-
spheric model (defined to be GAG_ATMOSPHERE) ; option /ANTENNA is not
required in that case.
- In FILE mode the actual mode is taken from the data header, as giv-
en in the OBS program.
- In TREC mode the receiver temperature is assumed known, to set the
scale of measured sky temperature and optical depth, and determine
the system noise temperature. The receiver temperature is taken
from the data header, as given in OBS. It may be forced to a dif-
ferent value by giving it as second argument 'value', or by the SET
TREC command.
- In AUTO mode the water wapor content is assumed known; it is de-
termined from the antennas in TREC mode, if any, or taken from
the data header, or forced to the value given in the second
argument 'value', or by the SET WATER command.
These parameters, together with the wheather station data, are used to
compute the system noise temperature for each antenna. In MANUAL mode,
no model atmosphere is used, but the values of optical depths and
atmospheric temperatures stored in the data.
- OLD or 1985 (the default) select the old ATM model, in use at IRAM
since circa 1985.
- 2003 select the 2003 version of the ATM model,developed by Juan Par-
do in ISM in Madrid. For this, the new ATM library must be avail-
able. If not the old ATM will be used.
- NEW or 2009 select the 2009 ATM model,developed by Juan Pardo in ISM
in Madrid. For this, the ATM library must be available. If not the
old ATM will be used.
- INTERPOLATE will use a tabulated file produced by ASTRO\ATMOSPHERE
MAKE. This option should not be used, as the use of tabulated file
is only used to speed up calculations at Bure.
Gildas manager