Next: Concepts and Useful Hints
Up: gildas-intro
Previous: Introduction
GILDAS consists of five major parts :
- The documentations, a set of PostScript files. An HTML documentation
is also available.
- Dedicated utilities, which are programs using the SIC (Sympathetic
Interpretor of Commands) user-friendly interface. Each utility normally
has its own manual, accessible through the general documentation system.
- GREG an all purpose 1-D and 2-D graphic program
- CLASS (Continuum and Line Analysis Single-dish Software), for
single-dish data processing.
- ASTRO, an astronomical tool, very useful to prepare an
observing session, or for amateur astronomy...
- CLIC (Continuum and Line Interferometric Calibration), to
calibrate interferometer data from Plateau de Bure.
- Mapping, an interactive imaging and deconvolution package.
- Dedicated small programs to perform non interactive time consuming
processing : smoothing, transpositions, fitting, etc... These programs
will be called ``Tasks''. They are not intended for interactive use
(although you may do it if you are an expert), but require instead a
monitor program to activate them.
- Additional applications programs, such as FLUX or POINT to handle
pointing and monitoring data for the IRAM PdB array.
Next: Concepts and Useful Hints
Up: gildas-intro
Previous: Introduction
Gildas manager