SIC (*) is a command line interpretor, written in FORTRAN and callable as a subroutine by any program. It provides a command language, with the following major features:
This section concerns the programmer who wants to use SIC as the monitor of a simple or complex, evolutive, documented interactive program. It assumes that the reader is already familiar with all capabilities of SIC, so that he should be able to design a program (or better a system) around the SIC monitor.
It is in fact essentially a ``CookBook'' giving a list of recipes to build a program using SIC, or interface SIC with a preexisting ensemble of routines. Following these recipes should result in a complete success, that is, a program fulfilling the following requirements:
The section describes the command vocabulary structure, and
the initialization sequence of SIC.
indicates how to write the corresponding HELP files.
describes how to retrieve arguments from a SIC command line. Section
indicates how to complete the program
so that it can also be a library of routines. Finally, Section
indicates how to use SIC variables, and Section
give all entry points of the SIC monitor.
SIC programming interface is designed for the Fortran language. Interfacing with C language requires some system dependent precautions concerning argument passing mechanism, in particular for character strings.