A standard help file should be prepared for each task. The format follows that of SIC help files. Topics are identified by a ``1'' in first column, and subtopics by a ``2''. The help file must start with the task name as main topic, and must have a subtopic for each parameter. More subtopics may exist. The help file must be in the same place as the executable image, and have file type .hlp. For the example above, combine.hlp contains
1 COMBINE COMBINE It makes "combinations" of two input images to produce a third one. The two input images may have the same dimensions, or the first one (Z one) may have less dimensions than the second (Y) one. In the latter case, combinations will occur for all the extra planes of the Y image. For example you can divide all the plane of an input (Y) 3-D cube by a 2-D (Z) image, provided each plane of the cube matches the single image... Operations are ADD X = Ay*Y + Az*Z + C MULTIPLY X = Ay*Y * Az*Z + C DIVIDE X = Ay*Y / Az*Z + C provided Y > Ty and Z > Tz, where Ty and Tz and thresholds set by parameters YMIN$ and ZMIN$. 2 Z_NAME$ This is the name of the input map with the smaller number of dimensions. 2 Z_FACTOR$ This is a scaling factor for map Z_NAME$. 2 Z_MIN$ This is a threshold on map Z_NAME$. 2 Y_NAME$ This is the name of the input map with the larger number of dimensions. 2 Y_FACTOR$ This is a scaling factor for map Y_NAME$. 2 Y_MIN$ This is a threshold on map Y_NAME$. 2 X_NAME$ This is the name of the output map. 2 BLANKING$ This is the blanking value chosen for the output map. 2 OFFSET$ This is an offset added to the output map. 2 FUNCTION$ Selected operation. Possible operations are ADD, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE (Y by Z).