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        [GREG1\]SET SEXAGESIMAL [X [Nx]] [Y [[Ny]]

    Set X axis labelling in sexagesimal notation with Nx decimals (resp. Y).
    The  default  (Nx=1,  Ny=0 and no sexagesimal notation) is nearly always
    perfect for everybody.

    So, this command is used for two restricted purposes:
       - to enable sexagesimal notation of axis when a projection is in use,
        the  system  is  GALACTIC  and the /ABSOLUTE option is required (for
        EQUATORIAL systems, the sexagesimal notation is always used in  this
        case,  but  the default for GALACTIC system is a decimal representa-
        tion of degrees).
       - to specify the number of decimals  when  using  ABSOLUTE  labelling
        (see BOX /ABSOLUTE or AXIS /ABSOLUTE).
    Note that, when a realistic tick spacing is required by the user or (the
    default) GreG computes this spacing  automatically,  labelled  tickmarks
    will  fall  on  rounded  values,  so no decimals will appear (unless the
    field of view is smaller than a few arc seconds).

Gildas manager 2014-07-01