Previous: HARDCOPY
[GTVL\]HARDCOPY [/DEVICE Name [Attributes]]
The /DEVICE option argument specifies which type of device will be used.
The other arguments passed after the device name can modify the harcopy
attributes. Several attributes can be combined. Allowed devices and at-
tributes are:
PS (PostScript): the plot is automatically rotated and scaled on the
hardcopy physical page.
GREY PostScript with fixed greyscale transfer function for bitmap.
COLOR PostScript with user controlled color transfer function. This
is the default.
FAST PostScript with hardware pen thickness handling. Clipping of
wide pens may be inaccurate. This is not the default.
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript): As PS, with the BoundingBox computed
from the plot boundaries rather than from the Plot Page size.
The plot is NOT rotated neither scaled to the hardcopy physi-
cal size by default. Use the option /FITPAGE to enable this
GREY Same as PS.
COLOR Same as PS.
FAST Same as PS.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics): create a bitmap representation of the
GreG plot. The size of the PNG can be tuned with the option
GREY Same as PS
COLOR Same as PS
WHITE PNG with white background and black foreground. This is the
BLACK PNG with black background and white foreground.
TRANSPARENT PNG with transparent background. This is not exclusive
with WHITE and BLACK attributes, i.e. "TRANSPARENT BLACK" cre-
ates a PNG with transparent background and white foreground.
Transparency is not activated by default.
NOBLANK Blanked pixels will not be drawn, i.e. they will use the
background color (white, black, or transparent) or they will
let you see previous drawings made behind.
CROPPED the GreG plot is expanded to fit exactly to the best PNG di-
mensions, and the other PNG dimension is shrinked to leave no
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics): create a vectorial representation of
the GreG plot (except for images) in the SVG format.
Gildas manager