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        The command LUT can read the colormaps from a formatted file. A var-
    ious  number  of  these  files is already available in the distribution.
    Type "LUT ?" to see these files.

    The files are searched in the  path(s)  contained  in  the  SIC  logical
    LUT#DIR:. It can be a collection of paths customized by the user. By de-
    fault LUTs are searched in the current directory and in GAG_LUT:  (where
    the standard GTV LUTs are stored). The default extension is ".lut".

    User  can define and save its own LUT in such a file. The formatted file
    must be an ASCII file providing the three R,  G  and  B  intensities  in
    three  columns,  and there must be as many lines as color levels needed.
    The intensities are three real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.

    The LUT loaded from such a file will then be resampled (using interpola-
    tion)  to  match the effective number of colors the device supports. For
    example, the file example.lut:
    shell> cat example.lut
         .00000    .00000    .00000
         1.0000    .00000    .00000
    will produce a black to red color map, with continuous color levels  be-

Gildas manager 2014-07-01