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GreG Character Set

This section includes a copy of the character set and a commented procedure to generate it. It is useful to give the correspondence between the keyboard and special letters in the GREGs character set.

In the roman alphabet, all keyboard keys will give the corresponding ASCII characters with only 4 exceptions :

     - The counter quote ` will give the double quote "
     - The circumflex accent ^ will give the degree sign
     - The double quote cannot be used because of SIC character handling
     - The backslash \ cannot be used because of GreG character handling

The Script character set has an exact correspondance for all letters and figures, and mathematical symbols corresponding to special characters.

The Greek character set has a rather convenient correspondance for all letters (this is not the alphabetic order which is highly non mnemotechnic). Planets symbols correspond to the figures (0 Sun, 1 Mercury and so on). Other astronomical symbols correspond to the special characters.

The procedure FONT.GREG (with the satellite procedure F.GREG) generates the three GREG alphabets in simplex and double quality and produce eight metacode files named FONT1.VEC, ..., FONT8.VEC. These files are stored in the directory GAG_DEMO:. You can plot them on paper using any of the metacode translators available on your site (HPXY, LWXY, PLXY, ...) or just invoke the ZOOM utility to have a glance at them on an interactive screen.

Satellite procedure F.GREG to generate the GREG fonts
This procedure F.GREG is called by the FONT.GREG procedure to generate the three alphabets in Simplex and Duplex quality :
! Draws a character in all GreG fonts and quality
! Parameter &1          Y position of character
! Parameter &2          Character to be drawn
DRAW TEXT  3 &1 "\\1&2"        ! Roman font, Simplex quality
DRAW TEXT  6 &1 "\\1\\G&2"     ! Greek font, Simplex quality
DRAW TEXT  9 &1 "\\1\\S&2"     ! Script font, Simplex quality
DRAW TEXT 13 &1 "\\2&2"        ! Roman font, Duplex quality
DRAW TEXT 16 &1 "\\2\\G&2"     ! Greek font, Duplex quality
DRAW TEXT 19 &1 "\\2\\S&2"     ! Script font, Duplex quality

Procedure FONT.GREG to generate the GREG fonts

! Generates the 6 alphabets of GreG fonts in 6 columns
!      1         2         3             4        5        6
!    Roman     Greek     Script        Roman    Greek    Script 
!    Simplex   Simplex   Simplex       Duplex   Duplex   Duplex
SET BOX 0.5 20.5 1 28
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 "   "     ! Space         Space                   Space
F 22 " ! "     ! !             Aries                   Existencial
F 20 " ` "     ! Double quote  Taurus                  Up-Down arrow
F 18 " # "     ! #             Gemini                  Included in
F 16 " $ "     ! $             Cancer                  Reunion
F 14 " % "     ! %             Leo                     Includes
F 12 " & "     ! &             Virgo                   Intersection
F 10 " ' "     ! '             Libra                   Belongs to
F  8 " ( "     ! (             Scorpius                Integral
F  6 " ) "     ! )             Sagittarius             Circular Integral
F  4 " * "     ! *             Capricornus             Multiply
F  2 " + "     ! +             Aquarius                Plus/Minus
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " , "     ! ,             Pisces                  Divide
F 22 " - "     ! -             Space                   Minus/Plus
F 20 " . "     ! .             Square                  .
F 18 " / "     ! /             Space                   Square root
F 16 " 0 "     ! 0             Sun                     Zero
F 14 " 1 "     ! 1             Mercury
F 12 " 2 "     ! 2             Venus
F 10 " 3 "     ! 3             Earth
F  8 " 4 "     ! 4             Mars
F  6 " 5 "     ! 5             Jupiter
F  4 " 6 "     ! 6             Saturn
F  2 " 7 "     ! 7             Uranus
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " 8 "     ! 8             Neptun
F 22 " 9 "     ! 9             Pluto
F 20 " : "     ! :             Moon quarter            Space
F 18 " ; "     ! ;             Comet                   Perpendicular
F 16 " < "     ! <             Eight branch star       Less or equal
F 14 " = "     ! =             Ascending node          Equivalent
F 12 " > "     ! >             Descending node         Greater or equal
F 10 " ? "     ! ?             Space                   Different
F  8 " @ "     ! @             Space                   Proportional
F  6 " A "     ! A             Alpha
F  4 " B "     ! B             Beta
F  2 " C "     ! C             Chi
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " D "     ! D             Delta
F 22 " E "     ! E             Epsilon
F 20 " F "     ! F             Phi
F 18 " G "     ! G             Gamma
F 16 " H "     ! H             Eta
F 14 " I "     ! I             Iota
F 12 " J "     ! J             Nabla (Gradient)
F 10 " K "     ! K             Kappa
F  8 " L "     ! L             Lambda
F  6 " M "     ! M             Mu
F  4 " N "     ! N             Nu
F  2 " O "     ! O             Omicron
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " P "     ! P             Pi
F 22 " Q "     ! Q             Theta
F 20 " R "     ! R             Rho
F 18 " S "     ! S             Sigma
F 16 " T "     ! T             Tau
F 14 " U "     ! U             Upsilon
F 12 " V "     ! V             Space
F 10 " W "     ! W             Omega
F  8 " X "     ! X             Xi
F  6 " Y "     ! Y             Psi
F  4 " Z "     ! Z             Zeta
F  2 " [ "     ! [             Dagger                  Approximately
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " \ "     ! Unaccessible because this is the " escape" character
F 22 " ] "     ! ]             Double dagger           Approximately 
F 20 " ^ "     ! Degree        Paragraph               Chemical eq.
F 18 " _ "     ! Space         Three dots              Left/Right arrow
F 16 " ` "     ! Double quote  Taurus                  Up/Down arrow
F 14 " a "     ! a             alpha
F 12 " b "     ! b             beta
F 10 " c "     ! c             chi
F  8 " d "     ! d             delta
F  6 " e "     ! e             epsilon
F  4 " f "     ! f             phi
F  2 " g "     ! g             gamma
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " h "     ! h             eta
F 22 " i "     ! i             iota
F 20 " j "     ! j             Partial derivative
F 18 " k "     ! k             kappa
F 16 " l "     ! l             lambda
F 14 " m "     ! m             mu
F 12 " n "     ! n             nu
F 10 " o "     ! o             omicron
F  8 " p "     ! p             pi
F  6 " q "     ! q             theta
F  4 " r "     ! r             rho
F  2 " s "     ! s             sigma
!    Keyboard    ROMAN FONT    GREEK FONT              SCRIPT FONT
F 24 " t "     ! t             tau
F 22 " u "     ! u             upsilon
F 20 " v "     ! v             Infinite
F 18 " w "     ! w             omega
F 16 " x "     ! x             xi
F 14 " y "     ! y             psi
F 12 " z "     ! z             zeta
F 10 " { "     ! {             Large {                 Up arrow
F  8 " | "     ! Vertical bar  Large integral          Right arrow
F  6 " } "     ! }             Large }                 Down arrow
F  4 " ~ "     ! ~             Large root              Left arrow

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