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    This  is a dedicated routine to produce bipolar outflow  maps,  with op-
    timum signal to noise ratio and little bias.  It takes as input  a  cube
    (N by NX by NY) with the velocity along the first axis, and  produces  a
    pseudo-cube  cube  (3 by NX by NY) containing the maps of the line width
    and of the red and blue lobes integrated intensities.

    For  each spectrum, the algorithm determines the peak channel,  then de-
    termines  on  each  side  of  this  channel  the  velocity  at  a  given
    threshold, given as  ratio  to  peak  value.   From  this  velocity,  it
    integrates   out   to  a  second  threshold.   The  area  found  is  the
    contribution to the blue (or red) lobe of the flow.

Gildas manager 2014-07-01