The day by day execution of Plateau de Bure projects can be followed at The status of the observations of each project can be checked at ongoing.html. The scientific secretary informs the project principal investigator on the completion of his/her program and on the steps to follow to organize the travel to IRAM Grenoble, where the data reduction is normally carried out. By following these instructions, you should get in contact with your local contact1 or with your collaborator at IRAM (who is the project local contact) to find some convenient dates for both of you. Remote data reduction is possible in exceptional cases, after agreement with the local contact and thereby with the scientific coordinator.
For most projects a week at Grenoble is enough to finish the data calibration and perform first analysis. An experimented astronomer may need less time. We recommend to spend one day on data analysis after calibration, so that we can help if there are difficulties and return back to data calibration if needed. You are invited to consult with your local contact before deciding on the duration of your stay. To avoid overbooking the computer facilities, no more than two groups are accepted simultaneously. You should consult the visitor list before discussing dates with the local contact. You will tell the scientific secretary on the agreed dates as soon as possible, so that she can book a computer, and may help in hotel booking and in other questions related to your visit. Visits must be announced at least two weeks in advance. You can consult the conditions for financial support for visiting astronomers at Finally, note that IRAM is closed from Friday 6pm to Monday 8am.