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Phase Calibrator List

The current list of phase calibrators used at Plateau de Bure includes over 300 objects. Flux densities at 85 GHz are indicated in Jy. The flux density is followed by the spectral index, by the flux at 230GHz if measured, or 0 if no measurement is available. The last column gives the date, at which the flux has been measured. Be careful: most if not all sources are variable (both flux and spectral index vary). All coordinates are equatorial J2000.0. Bandpass calibrators should be selected among the strongest phase calibrators, 4Jy or more if possible, but even 0.3Jy sources are sufficiently strong as phase calibrators.

The planets are not sufficiently point-like to be used as bandpass calibrators in any configuration.

To find phase calibrators for your source, use the ASTRO procedure name FIND_CALI.ASTRO.

Gildas manager 2014-07-01