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All antennas are equipped with one inclinometer, that should allow determination of the inclinations without astronomical pointing. Regular monitoring of the inclinometer outputs must be made. It is especially important to get the inclinometer results before and after each pointing session. To use the inclinometers:

The antenna will do a full turn at the current elevation, and a sine curve will be fit to the inclinations measured every 5 degrees. From this fit, the parameters MVE and MVN are derived from the azimuth axis tilt measured by the inclinometers using three additional corrections:

The resulting MVE and MVN are displayed and written in the file INTER_BASE:INCLINO.ANi, where i = Iant. The fit is displayed by GreG if you specified the /PLOT option for the INC command. A hardcopy possibility is offered.

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Gildas manager 2014-07-01