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E-DECODE, Invalid arithmetic expression
SIC, Argument decoding routines. An arithmetic expression used as argument is invalid. The message is usually preceded by more detailed explanation.
User action : correct the expression. If a message "Internal logic error" appeared, submit an SPR.

E-DECODE, Invalid logical expression
SIC, Argument decoding routines. A logical expression used as argument is invalid. The message is usually preceded by more detailed explanation.
User action : correct the expression. If a message ``Internal logic error'' appeared, submit an SPR.

E-DECODE, Error computing <String>
SIC, Argument decoding routines. Some error occured during evaluation of a valid arithmetic expression. A more detailed text precedes this message. This is usually due to undefined variables, or arithmetic errors like square root of negative values.
User action : correct any typing error. Check values of variables if an arithmetic error occured.

E-DECODE, Option <Integer> or argument <Integer> out of bounds
SIC, Argument decoding routines. This is a programming error : a command required too many arguments or options.
User action : Notify the programmer who should consult the SIC programming manual.

E-DECODE, You have overwritten the command line pointers.
SIC, Argument decoding routines. This is a programming error: the program tries retrieving an argument after another command line has been analysed. This frequently occurs when GREG is called in library mode by another program. This should only be done AFTER all arguments have been retrieved.
User action : Notify the programmer who should retrieve all needed arguments before he starts analysing another line.

E-DECODE, Missing argument number <Integer> of Command <String>
E-DECODE, Missing argument number <Integer> of Option <String>
SIC, Argument decoding routines. The specified argument is mandatory for the command or option.
User action : specify the missing argument.

E-DEFINE, Cannot specify dimension for existing images
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. Dimensions can only be specified when creating an image.
User action : Don't specify a dimension for existing images.

E-DEFINE, Invalid variable name <String>
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. Variable names must be less than 15 characters and begin with a letter.
User action : choose a valid name.

E-DEFINE, Invalid status <String>
SIC, DEFINE HEADER command. The header status can only be Read or Write.
User action : May be you confused DEFINE IMAGE and DEFINE HEADER. Correct your typing.

E-DEFINE, Memory allocation failure
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. The memory needed to create the variable could not be obtained from the operating system, due to a shortage of system resources or quota. This message is may be preceded by an operating system error message. On a typical site, this error will only occur if you are using (very) big arrays.
User action : delete any unused variable, clear the plot if any, and then retry. Try to use images instead of arrays. If this does not work, exit the program, reenter it and retry. If this is not sufficient, consider whether you really need such big arrays. If the answer is yes, you might consider asking your system manager to increase the relevant quota.

E-DEFINE, Missing dimension of new image
SIC, DEFINE command. The dimension of a new image must be specified
User action : specify the dimension.

E-DEFINE, Only last dimension can be extended
SIC, DEFINE command. The EXTEND request is not acceptable.
User action : see DEFINE IMAGE internal help.

E-DEFINE, Syntax error
SIC, DEFINE FUNCTION command. The function definition is invalid.

E-DEFINE, Too many variables
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands.
User action : delete some existing variables, or use them instead of defining a new one. If you cannot, ask your system manager about increas SIC workspace.

E-DEFINE, Too many arguments
SIC, DEFINE FUNCTION command. Invalid syntax: only one function definition at a time is possible
User action : use several DEFINE FUNCTION commands if necessary.

E-DEFINE, Variable <String> already exists
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. The specified name already is a known variable.
User action : use another name, or use (with command LET the already defined variable if you believe you may do so.

E-DELETE, Incompatible options
SIC, DELETE command. The options /FUNCTION, /SYMBOL and /VARIABLE are mutually exclusive.

E-DELETE, Missing option
SIC, DELETE command. One of the options /FUNCTION /SYMBOL and /VARIABLE must be present.

E-DELETE, No such variable <String> SIC, DELETE command. The specified variable cannot be deleted because it does not exist.

E-DELETE, Variable <String> not deleted SIC, DELETE command. The variable could not be deleted, because it is program defined
User action : May be a typing error. Check the variable name.

E-DIMENSION, Invalid dimension <string>
Any command with a numerical argument. In the present version of SIC indexes of arrays can only be constants or scalar numerical variables. Complex numerical expressions are not allowed.
User action : use an intermediate variable.

E-DIMENSION, Invalid mixture of implicit and explicit dimensions
SIC, LET command. Implicit loops on arrays cannot be mixed with explicit indexes for other dimensions.
User action : either use an explicit FOR-NEXT loop, or rearrange your expression to use the implicit loop (which is much faster).

E-DIMENSION, Invalid string length <Number>
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. Character variable is not positive.

E-DIMENSION, Invalid variable name <string>
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. Variable names must be less than 15 characters and begin with a letter.
User action : choose a valid name.

E-DIMENSION, Missing character size
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. The size of character string must be specified.
User action : specify a length.

E-DIMENSION, Missing closing bracket
Any command with a numerical argument. An opening bracket is not matched with the corresponding closing bracket.
User action : add the appropriate closing bracket.

E-DIMENSION, Too many dimensions
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW commands. Only 4 dimensions are supported.
User action : decrease the number of dimensions.

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Gildas manager 2014-07-01