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- E-SEXA, Invalid minute field
SIC, Sexagesimal decoding routine. The minute field is negative, or
greater than 60.
User action : Correct typing errors.
- E-SEXA, Invalid second field
SIC, Sexagesimal decoding routine. The minute field is negative, or
greater than 60.
User action : Correct typing errors.
- E-SEXA, Syntax error
SIC, Sexagesimal decoding routine. Valid syntaxes for
sexagesimal arguments are +DD.DDD, +DD:MM.MMM, and +DD:MM:SS.SSS.
User action : Correct typing errors.
- W-SIC, Ambiguous keyword, choices are :
SIC, SIC command. The first argument is ambiguous.
User action : specify more characters.
- W-SIC, Cannot change SIC
language status
SIC, SIC command. Information message : language
cannot be removed from the active scope.
- W-SIC, Cannot set HELP mode <String>
SIC, SIC command. The user requested an invalid mode for HELP.
User action : specify a valid mode. Valid modes are PAGE and SCROLL.
- W-SIC, Cannot set <String> language <String2>
SIC, SIC command. Information message : languages can only be
ON or OFF. Library only languages cannot be brought into the active
- E-SIC, Cannot set <String> switch <String2>
SIC, SIC command. The status <String2> does not exist for
the switch <String>
User action : check for typing errors.
- E-SIC, Command invalid in this context <string>
SIC, monitor routine. Command IF, ELSE and ENDIF can
only be used in procedures.
User action : use a procedure.
- F-SIC, Commands must be character*12
SIC, initialization routine. The command names are too long or too
short. Execution aborts.
User action : notify the programmer.
- F-SIC, Demonstration period exhausted, Call your system manager
User action : ask your system manager to buy an authorized copy.
- F-SIC, Duplicate language name
SIC, initialization routine. The language name is already used.
Execution aborts.
User action : notify the programmer.
- W-SIC, Edit mode requires an ANSII terminal
SIC, SIC command. Information message : the user requested the EDIT
mode, but is not logged on a ANSII (or compatible) video terminal.
EDIT mode is left OFF.
- I-SIC, Editor is <String>
SIC, SIC command. Information message specifying
which text editor is used by command EDIT.
- I-SIC, HELP mode is <String>
SIC, SIC command. Information message specifying the HELP mode.
- W-SIC, Incorrect nesting of IF blocks
SIC, monitor routine. Some IF blocks were not properly nested
and are still opened when a macro or loop terminates. The opened
blocks are closed by SIC.
User action : although this is only a warning, it may be wise
to check the current macro for possible error(s).
- F-SIC, Initialization error number <Integer>
SIC, initialization routine. An undocumented initialization error
occurred. Execution aborts.
User action : notify the programmer, who should submit an SPR.
- F-SIC, Internal logic error LIRE = -1
SIC, command reading routine. This is a fatal bug check.
User action : Submit an SPR, with as much
information as you can (log file, program listing, etc...).
- E-SIC, Invalid nesting of loops and IF blocks
SIC, monitor routine. Some FOR loops were not properly nested
and are still opened when an IF block terminates.
User action : Check the current macro for error(s).
- W-SIC, Invalid precision <string>
SIC, SIC command. The only supported precisions are SINGLE (or REAL) and DOUBLE. Previous precision is kept.
User action : specify a valid precision.
- F-SIC, Language initialization failure
SIC, initialization routine. This message is preceded by a more detailed
account of the problems. This is a fatal error, and the program execution
aborts with a symbolic stack dump.
User action : notify the programmer.
- F-SIC, Programming error: recursive call to SIC
SIC, monitor routine. The programmer made a recursive call to SIC.
This is a fatal error, and the program execution aborts with a
symbolic stack dump.
User action : notify the programmer.
- W-SIC, Session is not interactive, EDIT and MEMORY Off
SIC, monitor routine. Information message. This message appears
at the beginning of the program (usually when nobody is available
to read it...).
- F-SIC, SIC is not loaded
SIC, monitor routine. The program attempted to use SIC before
initializing the interpreter. This is a programming error.
User action : notify the programmer.
- I-SIC, <String> switch is <String2>
SIC, SIC command. Information message.
- I-SIC, <String> language is <String>
SIC, SIC command. Information message.
- W-SIC, Sub-process <String> is still active
SIC, exit routine. A sub-process has been created earlier by the
SYSTEM command. The sub-process is not deleted.
User action : You can attach to this sub-process at any time by
the VMS command ATTACH, or delete it by the VMS command STOP.
- E-SIC, Too many IF blocks
SIC, monitor routine. You are attempting to nest IF blocks too
User action : Do not. Find another way to solve your problem.
- F-SIC, Too many commands and options. This program is only
dimensioned for <Integer> user-defined commands.
SIC, initialization routine. The program has too many commands and
options. Execution aborts.
User action : notify the programmer, who may submit an SPR (even
though this is no an error in SIC just a limitation).
- F-SIC, Too many languages
SIC, initialization routine. The program has too many languages.
Execution aborts.
User action : notify the programmer.
- W-SIC, Undefined character expression <string>
Formatting routine. The specified string is not a valid character string.
This message is usually preceded by other ones that give additional information.
User action : Correct typing mistake(s)
- W-SIC, You are using a demonstration version
SIC. The version of SIC you are using is a demonstration version with a
limited validity period (usually 3 to 6 months). Contact the authors
about a permanent licence (available at no cost for academic institutions).
User action : Beware that the validity period will expire...
- E-SYMBOL, Invalid symbol name <String>
SIC, SYMBOL routine. A symbol name must begin with an alphabetic
uppercase character.
User action : use a valid name.
- F-SYMBOL, SIC is not loaded
SIC, DEFINE_SYMBOL routine. The program attempts to define a symbol
before SIC has been initialized. This is a programming error.
User action : notify the programmer.
- E-SYMBOL, String too long, translation failed
SIC, monitor routine. The line buffer is too short to accomodate
the symbol translation. The command is not executed, and an error
User action : : If possible shorten your command or symbol translation.
Eventually contact the programmer.
- E-SYMBOL, Symbol definition too long
SIC, SYMBOL command. The equivalence name is too long. The
symbol is undefined.
User action : cut the definition in two symbols and use
concatenation when translation is required.
- W-SYMBOL, Symbol name too long <String>
SIC, SYMBOL command. Symbol names must be shorter than 12 characters.
User action : use shorter symbol names.
- W-SYMBOL, Symbol truncated to <String>
SIC, SYMBOL command. A symbol name contained more than 12 characters
and has been truncated.
- E-SYMBOL, Too many symbols
SIC, SYMBOL routine. There are too many symbols, the new definition
has not been added.
User action : delete unwanted symbols before adding a new one.
- I-SYMBOL, Table is empty
SIC, SYMBOL command. Information message, there are no symbols
- I-SYMBOL, Table contains :
SIC, SYMBOL command. Information message, followed by the list
of symbols and equivalence strings.
- W-SYMBOL, Undefined symbol <String>
SIC, SYMBOL command. The specified symbol is undefined.
- E-SYSTEM, Sub-process cannot be activated
SIC, SYSTEM command with or without arguments. The sub-process
could not be created because of lack of system resources. The VMS
error message follows this error.
User action : If the command had an argument, retry it without
as you may connect to an existing subprocess. If this fails,
it is generally due to an exceeded quota of subprocesses.
If you have other subprocesses running, the SYSTEM command lists the
current subprocesses and prompts you to which one you want to attach.
If none is available, the SYSTEM command will return you an error.
- E-SYSTEM, Sub-process <String> could not be attached
SIC, SYSTEM command without argument, or with option /PROCESS. The programs failed to attach to an existing sub-process,
previously created by the SIC
SYSTEM command, or by
another program. If the option /PROCESS was not present, the
command will try to create a new one.
User action : Check process name in case you used the /PROCESS
- W-SYSTEM, More than <number> sub-processes active
SIC, SYSTEM command with or without arguments. You have reached
the maximum number of sub-processes allowed within SIC.
User action : If the command had an argument, retry it without as you may
connect to an existing subprocess. If this fails, the SYSTEM
command lists the current subprocesses and prompts you to which one
you want to attach. If none is available, the SYSTEM command
will return you an error.
- E-SYSTEM, Sub-process cannot be created
SIC, SYSTEM command with or without arguments. The sub-process cannot be
created, usually because of lack of system resources. The VMS error message
follows this error.
User action : If the command had an argument, retry it without
as you may connect to an existing subprocess. If this fails, it is
generally due to an exceeded quota of subprocesses. If you have other
subprocesses running, the SYSTEM command lists the current
subprocesses and prompts you to which one you want to attach. If none
is available, the SYSTEM command will return you an error.
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