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E-VARIABLE, Internal error, no back pointer
SIC, DELETE /VARIABLE command. This is an internal logic error.
User action : Submit an SPR.

E-VARIABLE, Invalid variable name <String>
SIC, DEFINE LET /NEW or FOR commands. Variable names must be at most 15 characters and begin with a letter.
User action : use a valid name.

E-VARIABLE, Program defined variables are protected
SIC, DELETE /VARIABLE command. You attempt to delete a variable that has been created by program. This is not allowed.

F-VARIABLE, SIC is not loaded
Calling program. The program attempts to define variables before the interpreter has been initialized. This is a programming error.
User action : notify the programmer.

E-VARIABLE, Too many variables
SIC, SIC, DEFINE LET /NEW or FOR commands. You attempted to define too many variables.
User action : Delete unused variables and retry. If this is not sufficient, submit an SPR, and we will increase the buffer size.

E-VARIABLE, Variable <String> already exists
SIC, DEFINE or LET /NEW. The specified name is already a known variable.
User action : use a different name, or delete the variable before.

E-VARIABLE, Variable name too long
SIC, DEFINE LET /NEW or FOR commands. Variable names must be at most 15 characters.
User action : use a shorter name.

E-ZCRONGNEUGNEU, j'y arrive pas
Congratulations, you got a free bottle of champagne if...
you can reproduce the error.
User action : Contact the authors.

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Gildas manager 2014-07-01