Next: Help file structure
Up: The GUI (``Graphics-User-Interface'') Mode
Previous: Assigning variables in ``Window''
The ``Main input window'' is created when command GUI
is typed. Four buttons are defined by default:
- the OK button,
which sets all variables defined in the main and optional windows.
This button also executes the command passed as argument to the GUI
GO command (if specified).
- the UPDATE button,
which sets all variables defined in the main and optional windows,
without executing the (optional) command passed as argument to the GUI
GO command.
- the ABORT button.
Variables are not modified, and an error is
sent to the main program.
- the HELP button.
This button displays the help file specified in the
PANEL command.
Additional buttons can also be added to the ``main window'' using the
BUTTON command. Two types of buttons exist
- Buttons with no associated parameters. These buttons appear just
after the 3 main buttons.
- Buttons with optional parameters. These buttons appear sequentially
with the variables, and have an associated parameter or `` optional'' window. When such a button is defined, all subsequent LET commands create widget in a ``optional'' window. This window is by
default hidden, but can be unveiled by the user.
The ``optional'' window provide a way to hide some non-essential
parameters, and/or to create a ``main window'' with a control panel
defining many actions, each action having its own input window and separate
Next: Help file structure
Up: The GUI (``Graphics-User-Interface'') Mode
Previous: Assigning variables in ``Window''
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