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  3.6um S4G Galactic bars characterization (Diaz-Garcia+, 2016)
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1.J/A+A/587/A160/tablea2Bar maximum gravitational torques and radii (576 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Galaxy (char) Galaxy identification (;meta.main)
  Qb  Bar maximum gravitational torque (src.morph.param)
  e_Qb1  (n) []? Uncertainty on the bar maximum gravitational torque associated with a thicker disk in de Grijs/Speltincx relation (stat.error)
  e_Qb2  (n) Uncertainty on the bar maximum gravitational torque associated with a thinner disk in de Grijs/Speltincx relation (stat.error)
  RQb arcsec Bar maximum gravitational torque radius (phys.angSize;stat.max)
  e_RQb1 arcsec (n) []? Uncertainty on the bar maximum gravitational torque radius associated with a thicker disk in de Grijs/Speltincx relation (stat.error)
  e_RQb2 arcsec (n) []? Uncertainty on the bar maximum gravitational torque radius associated with a thinner disk in de Grijs/Speltincx relation (stat.error)
  Qbhcor  (n) Bar maximum gravitational torque correcting for the dilution of the dark halo (src.morph.param)
  RQbhcor arcsec (n) Bar maximum gravitational torque radius correcting for the dilution of the dark halo (phys.angSize;stat.max)
  Qbbar  (n) Bar-only maximum gravitational torque (src.morph.param)

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  RQbbar arcsec (n) Bar-only maximum gravitational torque radius (phys.angSize;stat.max)
  Qbbarhcor  (n) Bar-only maximum gravitational torque correcting also for the dilution of the dark halo (src.morph.param)
  RQbbarhcor arcsec (n) Bar-only maximum gravitational torque radius correcting also for the dilution of the dark halo (phys.angSize;stat.max)
  QbS08  (n) Bar maximum gravitational torque using the relation from Speltincx et al. (2008MNRAS.383..317S) for the disk thickness estimation (src.morph.param)
  e_QbS081  (n) []? Uncertainty on the bar maximum gravitational torque associated with a thicker disk in the relation from Speltincx et al. (2008MNRAS.383..317S) (stat.error)
  e_QbS082  (n) Uncertainty on the bar maximum gravitational torque associated with a thinner disk in the relation from Speltincx et al. (2008MNRAS.383..317S) (stat.error)
  QTrbar  (n) Radial force profile evaluated at the end of the bar (src.morph.param)
  e_QTrbar1  (n) []? Uncertainty on the evaluation of the radial force profile at the end of the bar associated with a thicker disk in de Grijs/Speltincx relation (stat.error)
  e_QTrbar2  (n) Uncertainty on the evaluation of the radial force profile at the end of the bar associated with a thinner disk in de Grijs/Speltincx relation (stat.error)
  QThcorrbar  (n) Halo-corrected radial force profile evaluated at the end of the bar (src.morph.param)

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