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Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
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  Old star clusters in NGC 4449 from HST imaging (Strader+, 2012)
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1.J/AJ/143/52/table1HST/ACS star cluster photometry (106 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  C (char) [CP] Confirmed or Possible cluster (C or P) (meta.code.qual)
  ID (char) (i) Cluster identification (A = East HST/ACS pointing; B = West HST/ACS pointing) <[SSC2012] ANN> in Simbad (Note 1)   (;meta.main)
  RAdeg deg [186.97/187.113] Right Ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEdeg deg [44.0529/44.1440] Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec)
  Aper arcsec [0.39/2.8] Aperture radius for photometry (phys.angSize)
  Rh arcsec [0.1/0.9] Half-light radius direct estimate (phys.angSize)
  Vmag mag [15.46/22.9] HST/ACS F555W band magnitude (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_Vmag mag Uncertainty in F555W (Note 2)   (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  B-V mag (F435W-F555W) color index (Note 2)   (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  V-I mag (F555W-F814W) color index (Note 2)   (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.I)
  Age (char) Photometric cluster age: "Young" (≲1Gyr) or "Old" (meta.note)
  G01  (n) Gelatt et al. (2001PASP..113..142G) identifier (<[GHG2001] NN> in Simbad) (Note 4)   (
  A11  (n) Annibali et al. (Cat. J/AJ/142/129) identifier (<[ATA2011] NN> in Simbad) (Note 4)   (
  f_A11 (char) [SSC] SSC: central super star cluster (meta.code)
  R11  (n) Rangelov et al. (Cat. J/ApJ/741/86) identifier (<[RPC2011] NNN> in Simbad) (Note 4)   (
  V (char) display HRV data for this object (table 3) (meta.ref.url)
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref)
  _RA deg (i) Positions from SIMBAD database (right ascension part) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  _DE deg (i) Positions from SIMBAD database (declination part) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)

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