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  Palomar/MSU nearby star spectroscopic survey (Hawley+ 1997)
    III/198/main(c)Basic data, velocities and space motions (tables 1a of both papers, table 5 of paper I, table 3 of paper II, and table 1d from paper I for stars 3804-3810); see also errata (1971 rows)
    III/198/spectroBandstrengths (table 3 of paper I and table 2 of paper II) (2008 rows)
    III/198/binary(c)Inaccessible binary companions (tables 1b) (142 rows)
    III/198/notobs(c)Stars not observed (table 1d, paper II) (21 rows)
    III/198/early(c)Early-type stars, giants and degenerates (tables 1c) (98 rows)
    III/198/dmestarPhotometric and spectroscopic data for dMe stars (table 4a of paper II) (321 rows)
    III/198/hyadesPhotometric and spectroscopic data for Hyades stars (table 4b of paper II) (25 rows)
    III/198/ic2602Photometric and spectroscopic data for IC 2602 stars (table 4c of paper II) (26 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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