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  A new 95GHz methanol maser catalog. I. (Yang+, 2017)
    J/ApJS/231/20/bgps(c)The 481 BGPS with detected 95GHz methanol masers and the 42 candidates from tables 1 and 2; table added by CDS (518 rows)
    J/ApJS/231/20/masers(c)Parameters of all 481 detected 95GHz methanol masers and the 42 95GHz methanol maser candidates (tables 1 and 2) (1164 rows)
    J/ApJS/231/20/table3(c)807 BGPS sources for which no 95GHz methanol emission was detected (807 rows)
    J/ApJS/231/20/table6(c)Parameters of HCO+ emission towards in 212 BGPS sources with an associated 95GHz methanol emission (347 rows)
    J/ApJS/231/20/table8Information of HCO+ without methanol masers emission (869 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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