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  Morphology of 16908 SDSS Stripe 82 galaxies (Bottrell+, 2019)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82grfn(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the fn model and a gr-band decomposition (16822 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82grn4(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the n4 model and a gr-band decomposition (16822 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82grps(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the ps model and a gr-band decomposition (16892 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82irfn(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the fn model and a ir-band decomposition (16681 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82irn4(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the n4 model and a ir-band decomposition (16638 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82irps(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the ps model and a ir-band decomposition (16724 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82urfn(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the fn model and a ur-band decomposition (16707 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82urn4(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the n4 model and a ur-band decomposition (16672 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82urps(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the ps model and a ur-band decomposition (16764 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82zrfn(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the fn model and a zr-band decomposition (16664 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82zrn4(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the n4 model and a zr-band decomposition (16704 rows)
    J/MNRAS/486/390/s82zrps(c)Stripe 82 galaxy morphology catalogue for the ps model and a zr-band decomposition (16729 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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