===================================================================== ===================================================================== The Brightest Cluster Members (BCM hereafter) are giant galaxies located at the centre of clusters of galaxies, often surrounded by a large stellar halo which make their luminosity profile different from that of other ellipticals. The way these galaxies form is not yet understood. Since these galaxies are located at the centre of clusters, they may be fed by material cooling out from the intracluster medium by bremsstrahlung emission and flowing inward because of the hydrostatic equlibrium ("cooling flows"). The final fate of these cooling flow material is yet to be unveiled. Ongoing observations in the context of an ISO Guaranteed Time Project (DEEPZCLS) of which one of us (AF) is PI, show a possible detection of such a cooling flow end product in the central galaxy of a distant cluster. Such a detection needs immediate confirmation and further investigation with a sample of more easily accessible nearby BCM. With 9 hours of ISO time we will be able to disentangle the various dust and low-mass star components that may be formed in the cooling flows. Since the chosen BCM are so different for what concerns the cooling flow deposition rates, the signature of a cooling flow can be identified without doubts.