IRAS data on compact groups of galaxies (CGs) indicate a moderate far infrared enhancement in these systems. This result would support the common interpretation of groups as bound dynamical entities in which interactions and mergers play a major role in galaxy evolution. However, this result remains controversial because the low resolution of the IRAS data makes it difficult to decide if the contribution to the FIR flux comes from one or more galaxies in the beam. The high resolution imaging provided by ISOCAM, together with its good sensitivity in the band chosen (LW10), will enable us to ascertain whether or not a FIR enhancement is present in compact groups. The answer to this question will have far reaching consequences. If FIR enhancement in compact groups is confirmed, this will be one of the cleanest arguments in favour of the physical reality of these objects, which is a topic of current debate. If FIR enhancement is not present, we must either conclude that compact groups are mostly chance optical alignments, or that the time scale and extent of galaxy interactions differs substantially from current expectations.