AFGL4029 is a star forming region dominated by a YSO and a compact HII region. Observed in the mid-IR with CAMIRAS mounted at the CFHT, the emission associated with the YSO is extended, probably due to an envelope. The near and mid-IR observations also revealed an arc-shaped nebulosity, which seems to be associated with the YSO. However, the nature of this nebulosity remains unclear. Moreover, recent observations show that the centre of the CO outflow is shifted 10 arcsec to the north of the YSO's position. Therefore, we think that an embedded source could generate this outflow. In order to search for such a source, AFGL4029 has been observed in September 1997 with ISOCAM in the LW9 filter. Due to the strong background emission associated with the young cluster and the low S/N ratio, the possible embedded source has not been detected. Moreover, the arc-shaped nebulosity seems to be present in emission at 15 microns but here also, the S/N is too low to reach a firm conclusion. In order to ascertain the nature of this nebulosity and to obtain a higher S/N ratio for the possible embedded source's detection, we propose to re-observe AFGL4029 with ISOCAM in the LW9 filter. Note that AFGL4029 was also recently included in the ISOGAL program (GT proposal, collaboration with A. Omont). All these observations will allow a complete overview of this interesting star forming region.