======================================================================= ==> In this proposal, more time is being requested for HWALKER.VEGAMAP ======================================================================= One of the exciting discoveries made using IRAS was the dust disc around Vega. So far, only Beta Pic has had its disc confirmed optically, and for many of the Vega-like candidates the disc is only visible between around 20um and 80um. Due to the low spatial resolution of IRAS, relatively little is known about the immediate environment of Vega-like stars/candidates in the infrared, and how this influences the observed emission. Complete (oversampled) maps of Vega-like (beta-Pic-like) candidates are proposed, observing at two wavelengths (C_60 and C_90) where the dust emission dominates, in order to investigate the spatial and temperature structure of the circumstellar/interstellar medium around the star. The observation already made of Vega with this mode shows this technique can resolve the disc. Time was awarded in the pre-launch call to make maps of 2 targets, time to map more targets is requested.