We have detected strong CO and CI emission from a quasar, the Cloverleaf (H1413+117), at redshift 2.56. This is the first luminous, high-redshift quasar known with molecular emission, and as such presents a unique opportunity to investigate the interstellar medium in a quasar host galaxy at early epochs of the universe. Because of the similarity of its molecular and FIR continuum properties to those of the z=2.3 ultraluminous galaxy IRAS F10214+4724, it will also allow us to test at the highest luminosities and in the early universe theories which attempt to unify infrared galaxies and quasars. We plan to study atomic fine-structure lines in the proposed program. Analysis of the results using theoretical models with starburst and AGN components will help determine the ultimate energy source for the powerful ISM emission from this quasar. To facilitate direct comparison between the Cloverleaf and IRAS F10214+4724, our observing strategy is to essentially duplicate the AOTs and observing times for F10214+4724 already specified in the Guaranteed Time Programs of Smith et al (LWS) and Genzel et al (SWS).