Contents of: VI/111/./abstract/PHT_CAL_VEGASCAN.abs

The following document lists the file abstract/PHT_CAL_VEGASCAN.abs from catalogue VI/111.
A plain copy of the file (without headers/trailers) may be downloaded.

We want to use the 23 arsec aperture for high resolution sampling with 8 arsec 
step size. In order to have a good determination of the baseline of the scan
two full aperture sizes outside the disk will be measured. An important check
of any spatial extended structure in this observing mode is the repetition of
the same measurement on a true point source with the same S/C orientation
(preferentially use S/C y-axis orientation). Vega's brightness at 60 micron
is around 5 Jy. A star of similar brightness is gamma Dra (HR 6705). The scan
over HR 6705 can also be used in order to better determine the point spread
function at 60 micron.

History:		07/02/97	First PGA version with 13" steps; UK, RJL
                11/02/97    Raster step size changed to 6" (JH.LO-MT, UK)
.OTT 8650
.TDT 9010