3.1  Structure of the ReadMe File

The Description File introduced in Chapter intro(Alternative: The alternative name 0readme is proposed in Chapter intro) is aimed to provide all necessary information to locate the catalogue (authors, title, references, summary, etc...) and to interpret its contents by automatic procedures.

I/221               The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars - MACS (Tucholke+ 1996)
The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars - MACS
     Tucholke H.-J., de Boer K.S., Seitter W.C.
    <Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 119, 91-98 (1996)>
    <The Messenger 81, 20 (1995)>
    =1996A&AS..119...91T =1995Msngr..81...20D
ADC_Keywords: Magellanic Clouds ; Positional data

    The Magellanic Catalogue of Stars (MACS) is based on scans of ESO
    Schmidt plates and contains about 244,000 stars covering large areas
    around the LMC and the SMC. The limiting magnitude is B<16.5m and the
    positional accuracy is better than 0.5" for 99% of the stars. The
    stars of this catalogue were screened interactively to ascertain that
    they are undisturbed by close neighbours.

File Summary:
 FileName    Lrecl    Records    Explanations
ReadMe          80          .    This file
lmc.dat         52     175779    The Large Magellanic Cloud
smc.dat         52      67782    The Small Magellanic Cloud

Byte-by-byte Description of file: lmc.dat smc.dat
   Bytes Format  Units   Label    Explanations
   1- 12  A12    ---     MACS     Designation
  14- 15  I2     h       RAh      Right Ascension J2000 , Epoch 1989.0 (hours)
  17- 18  I2     min     RAm      Right Ascension J2000 (minutes)
  20- 25  F6.3   s       RAs      Right Ascension J2000 (seconds)
      27  A1     ---     DE-      Declination J2000 (sign)
  28- 29  I2     deg     DEd      Declination J2000 , Epoch 1989.0 (degrees)
  31- 32  I2     arcmin  DEm      Declination J2000 (minutes)
  34- 38  F5.2   arcsec  DEs      Declination J2000 (seconds)
      40  I1     ---     Npos     Number of positions used
  42- 46  F5.2   mag     Mag      []?=99.00 Instrumental Magnitude
                                        (to be used only in a relative sense)
      48  I1     ---     PosFlag  [0/1] Position Flag   (0: ok,
                                        1: internal error larger than 0.5")
      50  I1     ---     MagFlag  [0/1] Megnitude Flag  (0: ok,
                                        1: bad photometry or possible variable)
      52  I1     ---  BochumFlag *[0] Bochum Flag
Note on BochumFlag: 1 if in Bochum catalog of astrophysical information
    on bright LMC stars) (yet empty)

Author's address:
    Hans-Joachim Tucholke    <tucholke@astro.uni-bonn.de>

(End)            Hans-Joachim Tucholke [Univ. Bonn]                  20-Nov-1995

The ReadMe file of a catalogue